Saturday, April 23, 2011

Hop Hop Hop over to see the Easter Bunny

The boys needed shoes for the summer and we (well I) thought that it would be a good idea to try to get the shoes and some pics with the Easter bunny. This would have been a great idea had it not been for the almost 2 hour delay from the opening of the mall until the time the bunny was available for pictures. Jackson was not happy to be confined in the shoe store or eating lunch at the table with us. He wants to roam around and explore. While I waited in line, Michael basically speed walked around Kenilworth in an attempt for him to not loose it. We brought both of the boys up to the display as I got closer and closer just so that they would not freak out when they got there. Jackson was so excited to get out of the stroller that he almost knocked over the fence that contained the beloved bunny. I know that he looks scared as he glances over at Connor but it was just that he didn't want to be confined any longer. So, hopefully, next year will be better. But, as you can see, it was love at first sight with Connor because after all, this boy has a thing for his plush and the bunny is just a giant-sized plush.

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