Tuesday, June 28, 2011

18 Months

1 1/2 years old. I can't believe that I am writing this post (note: I didn't write it until mid-October because I'm still in denial as to how fast this time has gone by). We are having so much fun with the boys and they are learning so much and are so proud to show how much that they can do.

In honor of their 1/2 birthday, we took them to Red Robin for the first time and it was an experience. They loved the fries and Connor tasted his first hamburger. Jackson was a little too occupied by the balloons and Robin to eat but I foresee many more trips here in our future.

At 18 months, both boys:

- can whisper shhhh in response to Goodnight Moon's quiet old lady
- are becoming experts at peek-a-boo
- are big helps when it comes to changing clothes but still not so thrilled with diaper changes
- can open the trash can, which is not the best since I spend too much time searching for toys in the trash that I can not find at the end of the night
- L-O-V-E pineapple. it may be their favorite fruit. sorry strawberries :(
- have finally realized where the snacks are and that the door is locked
- are obsessed with shoes
- enjoy Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. most specifically, the Dwarfs when they sing Heigh Ho and Dig Dig Dig. (can not tell you how happy this makes their mom because the 1st movie that I ever saw in the movies was Snow White and I can still remember how excited I was when the dwarfs came across that log for the first time)
- are following small commands to retrieve items or put things away (nothing like child labor, rather BIG helpers)

And, just Jackson:

- is opening doors
- very interested in using forks and spoons like a big boy
- may have perfected hiding (seriously -- there are times that I can't find him)
- can climb on the couch
- turns the tv on and off
- scaled the entire book case/toy shelf combo
- can go down the steps
- tries to push on your back or get you stand up when he wants something

And, coincidentally Connor:

- is walking backwards
- lets us give his penguins hugs and kisses
- will not allow any other plush in the crib besides his penguin
- shares food
- can take off his velcro bibs :(
- fake crys when he is ready to get out of the crib and hasn't seen us open the door
- wants to try ALL food he sees, which can result in multiple mini-dinners

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