Friday, September 30, 2011

Meteorologists in training

During our walks over the summer, the boys and I spotted a flower that spins in the wind. We always check for this flower when out on our walk. While walking on the boardwalk in Rehoboth, we spotted the flowers and it was only fitting that we got one for each of them.

Here is a picture of our flower:

If I ask to the boys to check to see if it is windy, they run to the front door and can now check their very own flower. On this day, Jackson was really interested and Connor couldn't part from his puzzles but for a quick check. It is so amazing to see how much that they comprehend and remember.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Thank you Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss:

I know that I will never meet you but I can only say thank you for making the Cat (you know the one in the Hat) and encouraging other people to draw and write like you for people like me that love rhyming books.

I'm sure that I'm not the only one that does this but I spend a good bit of my day playing with my Bright and Early board books. Toys are o.k. but the first thing that I look for in my play room are my books and I could spend hours (yes hours and not in the toddler version of an hour being a couple minutes) thumbing through the books to make sure that all of the pages are there and positioning them on the couch.

It may sound silly but I love to do this. Part of my time is spent separating the books in even distances across the couch. I just want to make sure that they look good. Oh, and if you couldn't guess, I know each and every one of my books by either name or a brief description from my mommy. Sometimes, I don't want to read them and I will hand them to people for them to hold them and quickly take them back if they don't seem to appreciate them as much as I do.

I just love my board books.

Thanks again AND here are a couple of pictures with me and my books. Notice the separation between the books.


Connor Patrick Stanley

p.s. Oh, I have a brother. His name is Jackson. He isn't really fond of Hop on Pop and that might be my fault because I wanted it to be read to me over and over and over again and still can listen to it. That funny Jim biting him's tail.. But, back to Jackson. He really likes "Go Dog Go" and I think that my new favorite is "Hand Hand Fingers Thumbs." My favorite line is Dum Ditty Dum Ditty Dum Dum Dum. Those monkeys are sooo cool.

p.p.s. Oh and I wanted to let you know that some people (like my mom) may complain that the Cat in the Hat is 64 pages. But, I will sit and listen to every one and the best part is that the Cat is everywhere in the book and I get to see him each time the page gets turned (good times).

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street??

Well, it has happened. I had tried and tried to keep the boys away from that furry red creature but recently caved in and let them watch Big Bird and friends. However, it is no longer about Big Bird and Cookie and Michael's favorite - "Count van Count." Elmo is the main character and CAN NOT be avoided as he is showing up in almost all of the segments.

There is just something about his high pitched voice and his bad hair that I can't stand but both of my boys can say his name that reminds me that it really never is about me anymore. When Jackson was sick with a fever, Elmo's World made him laugh out loud. It was so awesome to hear that belly laugh amidst the running nose and feverish body.

During a trip to the Tarjay, the boys and I stumbled upon the figurines. We picked up 8 of them (Yeah--yet another thing for me to track down at the end of the night and to play my all-time favorite what is it?!?) and the boys are so happy to see them that Connor puts on his jets to get downstairs in the morning to see them on his bookcase. They help encourage Jackson's hoarding behavior and allow him more options in his budding career as a "stager." I guess it is a win-win for all involved especially since they are just figures and I don't have to hear his voice.

note: We are still not sure that Connor knows that the other people are not Elmo. He scream/screeches "Elmo" "Elmo" when holding all of the figures. However, if we ask him to bring us one of the other, he happily obliges. And, the boys are still more interested in watching their Baby Einstein or Classical Baby dvd's than Big Bird and friends but it is not on the forbidden list anymore.

so, the furry red high pitched puppet made it into the house but there is no way that Thomas is entering (story to be hopefully not continued)....

Sunday, September 18, 2011

First attempt at coloring

After much convincing of the boys' dad, we taped some brown paper on their highchairs and let the boys have at their first attempts with crayons. I figured that they were long overdue to start some crafting projects but Michael probably would have waited until they started school or if they were somewhere that wasn't home in case there was a mess.

They did good and it clearly shows that Jackson looks to be a lefty. Jackson was all about having more than one crayon and Connor lost his enthusiasm rather quickly and was more interested in admiring Wyatt from Super Why and Elmo. There were minimal attempts to put the crayons in the mouth but the smart people from Crayola are ready for toddlers with their non-toxic versions to calm our nerves. In all, it was a success as Michael has agreed to try it again.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Picking out pumped up kicks

After a beautiful morning on Thursday, the wind and rain arrived along with possibly a 20 degree temperature drop. And, we were totally not prepared for the colder weather. I hadn't washed the boys fall clothes nor did they have any shoes that fit them besides their sandals, which we now realize just how much Connor loves them. We ventured out to Olly Kids in Hunt Valley on Saturday morning and the boys were sized and we picked out this shoe:

It is super cute and looks great on the boys. Connor is struggling a little with walking in it and CRIED, yes cried, when his sandals were put in the box so that the boys could start walking in their new shoes. I assured him that they were coming home with us but I guess he is attached to them. We still need to get real tennis shoes for the boys but they are now ready for the cold weather. I'm not so certain that we are done with 90 degree temps and sandal wearing weather but we are at least prepared for the colder temps.

Celebrating Uncle Joe

The boys' uncle turned the big 5-0 on August 18th. We celebrated with the rest of our family over the weekend and headed out to celebrate with more family and friends. It was a surprise and I really do think that he had no idea. Everyone was in on it but Michael had the task of making sure he got to the party without suspecting anything. He did a great job.

The boys were in to EVERYTHING. There were labradoodles, a deck for the boys to admire the party guests, a big pool, a fire put, lots of mud, a barbeque area, horseshoes, steps, boys playing football and of course, Connor's new buddy, Phoebe. We didn't last very long at the party but we heard that the birthday boy enjoyed himself. Happy 50th.

note: The boys and I spent several hours at Joe and Missy's during the storm when we were out of power to get some laundry done before vacation. Connor is always super psyched to see Phoebe so I brought him into the house first and went back to get Jackson. Apparently, Phoebe was a little too excited to see Connor as I returned with Jackson to find him in tears. He was in the corner of their living room as if he was back tracking away from her. Seems as though he forgot about that incident as he was "pat" (petting) her with a big smile on his face for a long time.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Working at Stanleyville - our version of the Farmer's Market

The boys and I met up with Christine at Storyville and had a great time. I couldn't get Connor out of the market and Christine was in the garden with Jackson for an extended period of time. It is so amazing to watch their minds work and how they are both interested in such different things (at times). They had a lot of fun and we will be back again soon. Hopefully, I can get Connor out of the market but he does look super cute in the apron.

Jackson working on bringing the food to harvest..

and, Connor working at the store to sell it to everyone.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Overcast but PERFECT day at the beach with toddlers

On our last day before having to return home, we decided to try the beach again on our own and it was an awesome time to be had by all. It was overcast, which turned out to be toddler preferred. Less chance of sunburn, lots of room to maneuver and little tidal pools are a yes, please to parents of twin
toddlers.  The tidal pools were like individualized pools and we were able to get to each one and moved on once the water disappeared into the sand.

Both boys still ventured out to the ocean but it was a lot easier finding them with the lack of sunbathers on the beach.  Many people wouldn't have considered going out but we were glad that we risked the chance of rain to give them a great time on the beach. 

Of course, Connor, the ultimate ladies man found someone to flirt with on an almost deserted beach.

He must have been thirsty.  We had juice cups and snacks but the leaning over to lick the water was hilarious.

And, of course, there was splashing.

Fun Land Day # 2

We had some extra tickets left over from the book that we purchased the day before and since it was our last night, we decided to use them up and hit the boardwalk for one last bit of fun.

First up was the firetruck...

Next up were the airplanes that went up and down...

Jackson figured out that he could reach the water in the boats and was of himself and Michael and I were in disbelief that he was the ONLY one attempting to to put his finger in the water much less licking his fingers. Even the person running the ride was laughing at him. He is definitely s-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g!!!

They had another ride on the firetruck to finish off the tickets and show us how they could ring the bell like big boys.

Next up was ice cream at the Royal Treat. Michael picked Moose Trax and I got my go-to mint chocolate chip milkshake.

Little did I know that I wouldn't really get very much of that milkshake (thank you Connor) and that Jackson would use the straw in lieu of a spoon but there were a LOT of laughs in that ice cream parlor.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fun Land Day # 1

Despite the threat of rain, we decided it was time to go to Fun Land on the Boardwalk.  First up was the multi-colored truck.  Micahel got in to ride with the boys out of concern as it was their first ride.  The smile on Jackson's face and Connor running back to the truck after he had to get off were a good sign that they enjoyed themselves.

Next up, the fighter plane that goes up and down.

Driving the Hummers and big smiles.

Next up was the fire truck.  We were trying to let the boys know how much fun it would be to pull the rope and activate the bell. Connor finally got into it as the ride was starting to end.

And the boats were well received too especially after Jackson realized that he could reach out and touch the water.

After the mini-ferris wheel balloon ride, we ended the night with a ride on the carousel and we now know that the boys are ready to go back for some more fun.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Strolling the boards

Connor strutting it on the boards...

Jackson and the flower...

Monday, September 5, 2011

Family Beach Day

After some convincing, Joe, Michael, Gina and Tony agreed to join us at the beach. We knew that it was going to be a lot to carry for no guarantee of fun but we had to try, right??

With both boys now walking, we were exited for them to be able to experience the sand and water and most importantly, be able to explore all that the beach had to offer.


As a first birthday gift, the boys received chairs.  Connor thought he was something on the beach to have a chair like most of the adults.

We had walked on the beach the first day that we arrived, which was a couple days prior to this and Connor immediately bolted for the water.  He thought he was something else and had no idea what he was getting in too.  Good thing is that he was just as willing to go back in with his uncle and cousin.

Experiencing the sand.

The boys got a lot of use out of their sandcastle molds and shovels.  Jackson thought it was important to be neighborly and borrow other people's shovels and pails despite the fact that there were more than enough for the boys and all of us.

Connor posing with Michael and I.

Happy Connor on the beach with his mama.

Jackson digging in the sand and making sand castles.

Connor showing off his sand sitting and digging skills.

We had a great time at the beach and were happy to have our family join us.