Monday, September 26, 2011

Thank you Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss:

I know that I will never meet you but I can only say thank you for making the Cat (you know the one in the Hat) and encouraging other people to draw and write like you for people like me that love rhyming books.

I'm sure that I'm not the only one that does this but I spend a good bit of my day playing with my Bright and Early board books. Toys are o.k. but the first thing that I look for in my play room are my books and I could spend hours (yes hours and not in the toddler version of an hour being a couple minutes) thumbing through the books to make sure that all of the pages are there and positioning them on the couch.

It may sound silly but I love to do this. Part of my time is spent separating the books in even distances across the couch. I just want to make sure that they look good. Oh, and if you couldn't guess, I know each and every one of my books by either name or a brief description from my mommy. Sometimes, I don't want to read them and I will hand them to people for them to hold them and quickly take them back if they don't seem to appreciate them as much as I do.

I just love my board books.

Thanks again AND here are a couple of pictures with me and my books. Notice the separation between the books.


Connor Patrick Stanley

p.s. Oh, I have a brother. His name is Jackson. He isn't really fond of Hop on Pop and that might be my fault because I wanted it to be read to me over and over and over again and still can listen to it. That funny Jim biting him's tail.. But, back to Jackson. He really likes "Go Dog Go" and I think that my new favorite is "Hand Hand Fingers Thumbs." My favorite line is Dum Ditty Dum Ditty Dum Dum Dum. Those monkeys are sooo cool.

p.p.s. Oh and I wanted to let you know that some people (like my mom) may complain that the Cat in the Hat is 64 pages. But, I will sit and listen to every one and the best part is that the Cat is everywhere in the book and I get to see him each time the page gets turned (good times).

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