Monday, November 28, 2011

23 Months

The month of November was full of fun and a further expansion of the Word Explosion that was October. We said good bye to Ms. Jessica at Mother Goose on the Loose, saw our leaves change and fall, continued our lunch dates at the Chick, caught the animals at the zoo before it got too cold, celebrated Thanksgiving, got flu shots and dealt with ear infections and started the plans for a fun 2nd birthday (gasp) party.

On the 28th of next month, we will no longer be able to identify the boys in months. It still amazes me how fast this time has gone and I know how many people indicated that it would, but, it has gone by too fast. I still remember bringing them home and Michael indicating that he was going to work and I was in tears out of fear for having no idea what I was doing or whether or not I could walk up the steps without discomfort.

This year has been truly amazing and I am fully aware of how lucky that I am to stay home with the boys. Each day may not be easy but it is definitely rewarding at the end of the night and the joy is that we get to start anew the next day. I couldn't imagine not being home to experience everything with them.

Enough of the mushy...let's discuss what Jackson and Connor have been up too this month.

* more and more of a Word Explosion than last month

* working on colors and shapes, including identifying shapes in public, especially circles in the elevator or when used as light fixtures

* are properly identifying mama and daddy and not just theirs. on a trip to Chipotle, Jackson was pointing out all of the men and women that would enter or leave the restaurant. and, there were lots. besides saying hi, he would loudly scream Mama or Dada.

* are saying good-bye to things in the house, including our Moose from Bar Harbor, and identifying things that they see and know the names of. it may be one of the sweetest things when Jackson says "bye Moose" and Connor letting us know when he spots the "Ginch, a/k/a Grinch" or "Rex from Toy Story or most importantly the "Cat" on his bib.

* are engaging in some forms of territorial playing, doing a lot of pushing and having tantrums. there are several coveted puzzle pieces and or animals that will result in full on tantrums and Jackson has started to throw toys when he is told no or doesn't get his way. it results in an immediate time-out. they have started to use the stiff-arm as a means to keep the other away.

* are both obsessed with their safari animal puzzle. they still come running in to me to let me know what puzzle pieces they have and are said coveted puzzle pieces that result in some serious fights between them

* are helping read books. it is totally gratifying that the hours upon hours that we spent reading to the boys actually paid off and are helping boost their vocabulary. and, besides the validation of reading, it is amazing to listen to as they assist reading one of their books.

and, some Jacksonisms...

-- can be super sweet at times to the point of heart melting but still his ornery rambunctious self

-- wants to be a big helper at all times and will generally stop any bad behaviors or lack of listening when asked to be a helper. he gets no bigger a thrill than when we bring in groceries that need to be unloaded. he runs back and forth from our living room to our kitchen with whatever he can get his hands on and will not be o.k. with things until e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g has been emptied out of the bags.

-- has started to repeat a lot of the things that we are saying and can just be super silly with the things that he is saying. on one specific morning, Jackson climbed out of his crib and I brought him downstairs with me and at 3 a.m. was having a serious conversation. I could only catch bits and pieces but what was clear was "Oh, No" (in exaggerated tones and covering his mouth with a shocked expression) "No More Toys." One of our other favorites is when he says "Thank You Much." He will also often mumble "mama said please" during encouragement to eat.

and, some Connorisms...

-- he let's us know when he is "stuck," which is not always accurate since this includes when he is getting in his car seat

-- has started throwing things again and I often think that this is done so he can say "Oh, No" and "Uh Oh"

-- is very territorial about his books and continues to push Jackson out of the way if he gets too close to him or his books

-- appears to be "egging" Jackson on to start fights so that he can get yelled at :( and is putting himself into situations that he hopes will lead to sympathetic hugs and a no to Jackson but end in the exact opposite effect

-- has become more assertive although his walking is still unsteady at times and he prefers to be carried, if available

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