Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Aquarium Time

We finally decided that it was time to work on the boys' big boy bed room being that they are 3 and everything (and, have had a gender neutral room since we brought them home as we never found out what we were having).

I had ordered the choo choo train sheets after the boys confirmed that it was what they wanted before the end of the year and waited until just recently to put them on. We picked the color to match the sheets and are currently working on accessories.  The painter was able to fit us in during the holiday season but we decided it would be too much.

Mr. Bill and I chatted after first of the year and picked a Wednesday after confirming that Michael was available.  Since it was going to be a no-nap day -- we opted to try the aquarium for the first time.  We picked daddy up from work and went to lunch at Panera. The boys knew that we were going to see the fish so lunch was trying.

We arrived and they were off!!  The security staff had to secure Jackson while Michael handled the tickets. 

Connor LOVED all of the windows and being able to see the Inner Harbor.

Admiring the fish tanks.

Connor patiently waiting for the dolphin show.

They were starting to get antsy really fast and there was a lot of laying on the ground and walking up and down the steps which was not the best since the steps are steep and there is water from the dolphins.

Finally, the dolphins arrived.

Dophins showing off their tricks...

Off to the toddler wing and the boys found books and puppets.

And, Connor, at about this time, decided he had had enough and decided to let us know. He absolutely adores penguins and turtles and wouldn't even get up off the floor to look at them....  Jackson had bolted from Michael and they didn't even see them either. 

We returned the book that Connor wouldn't relinquish earlier, had a couple more melt downs and exited the aquarium. The boys fell asleep in the car and confirmed that they are definitely not ready to give up a nap and that walking around for an extended period of time is tough work for 3 year old.

When we got home after driving around to extend the nap, Jackson devoured his blueberry muffin so no Toddler Tasty Treats pictures, we checked out Mr. Bill's work.  As Connor said - "Mr. Bill did a great job." We are super happy that the room was painted and realize that the aquarium is a morning activity for our three year olds. 

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