Friday, January 18, 2013

Toddler Quotables : "o.k. Michele - here's the deal"

The boys have expanded their vocabulary so much this past year and it seems as if they are picking up so many new things. Instead of calling us mama and dada, it is now mom and dad.  It's as if they really are growing up more and more each and every day!!!  Along with the growing is a lot of bad listening. I had heard from several friends that 3 was harder than 2. 

On this particular day, Connor was in a timeout almost immediately after waking up from his nap after throwing about 100 re-usable stickers onto the carpet while I was helping Jackson with something. 

While we were downstairs playing together, I apparently made a ridiculous suggestion and Connor (yes Connor) retorted "O.K. Michele, Here's the deal." We've encouraged the boys to know our first names but this went way too far. 

Shortly after the comment, which I just ignored, Jackson asked me to help him with a toy, which rarely happens and Connor whispered to me "i'm hungry mama."  I told him that he had to wait until I was done with Jackson and he proceeded to walk upstairs.  Several times, I repeated that he needed to come back downstairs and that I would help him. He kept going and I heard some noises that I couldn't decipher, which is never good.  Eventually, Connor surfaced and showed off his proud accomplishment of getting daddy crackers, a.k.a. Cheez-Its, into a bowl.  I went upstairs to find out the damage and as expected, almost an entire bag of daddy crackers were covering the floor.  So, within an hour of waking up from a nap, Connor was on his 2nd timeout. 

Please tell me this gets better........... That face says it all. 

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