Monday, September 9, 2013

1st Day of N3s

Today was the first day of school after the open house last week and teacher conferences.  It was a beautiful day and Michael was able to join us.

Upon arrival each day, the boys are to locate their name and put it on the check-in board.  Mrs. Beach was helping them and was slightly surprised when she realized how quickly they both located their name.

Jackson was first to find his name.

Jackson supervising Connor and Connor finishing off without older brother watching.

After checking in, the boys gravitated toward the wooden train system.  And, just like that, it was time for us to leave them to start a new school year.

A special thanks to Mrs. Klein and Mrs. Beach for taking care of our little boys from 9:30 to 12 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  They are so eager to learn and it is such an exciting time for them and we are so happy that you are the ones to care for them.  It takes a lot of patience to take care of that many 3 year olds. But, the things that they hear must be amazing!!!

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