Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Catching up with the spoonbills and their poop

Due to the new configuration of the zoo in light of the construction and making way for penguins, there has been an increased interest in the aviary.  This could be because they've dispersed the cranes around and the vultures are almost hidden but the spoonbills and ducks are winning over the boys.

Connor is trying to get as close as he can to the birds and Jackson is just SUPER excited about finding the Spoonbills.

They found the spoonbills and were lucky enough to catch this particular bird pooping.  It was all that they could talk about while we were at the zoo and the rest of the day. Lucky us.

After checking out the animals and on our way out, Connor was very upset with Jackson for not wanting to pose in a picture with him by the chimpanzee statue and eventually running away from him as we made it to the exit.  Connor is definitely moody and wants to be in control and his inability to stop Jackson often results in some serious emotional outbursts.

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