Thursday, May 14, 2015

Fun at the Zoo with Bradley

We invited Bradley and Mrs. Kersten to join us at the zoo.  The boys were so excited when they spotted Bradley.  The iron lions have been at the zoo since it opened so pictures were absolutely in order.

We arrived in time for penguin feeding time. The penguins were definitely ready for feeding time. There is nothing better than the penguins all waddling together waiting for their breakfast...

We were lucky enough to find the polar bear swimming, which is incredibly rare but always such a treat.

We have only fed the giraffes once when the boys were very little.  Connor loves to watch the giraffes being fed and asked for his picture with Caesar.

We toured the entire zoo and the boys had a great time together as they always do.  The boys will definitely miss Bradley when they start Kindergarten in the fall.

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