Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Sledding with the gals

We had asked the gals what they were doing and they were up for some sledding so we met them over by the school.  Before the girls arrived, the boys were able to get a couple of runs in.  It was definitely getting harder and harder to get down the hill as the snow was melting and there was more ice than snow.  So, we are very happy that the boys got in a chance to have some more fun.

Claire's mom was kind enough to bring hot chocolate and marshmallows for all of the kids to warm up in the cold of the snow.  Connor was definitely ready to indulge.  The hot chocolate was so warm that the kids had to use the snow/ice to cool it off. 

Jackson, who definitely doesn't lack in the confidence department with the girls, wanted to join the girls on their sled.  When there wasn't enough room, he just decided to hold on and take a ride. Luckily, the girls didn't mind. 

Jackson and Connor with  Sydney, Claire and Mary

Jackson finally worked Mary down enough to get him and Connor on the sled.  The parents kept on shaking their heads when the kids kept trying to pile more than one kid on the sled because the sled wasn't really moving at all.  But, whatever makes them happy!!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Sledding with Brandon Road Friends

Earlier in the morning, we were out and working hard on shoveling.  We wanted the boys to be able to get some sledding in now that they had cleared Stevenson and we would be able to walk across to the hill next to the school.  

It seemed as thought our street and Brandon Road had been skipped so we worked on getting the snow off the curb side and everything that was from the car path to the car. We were incredibly concerned about having to shovel out again after a plow came through causing more and more work.  The pile of snow was so high that we had to do a lot of extra walking to find a place to pile it so it wouldn't collapse. 

We started our walk and caught up with the Brandon Road boys. 

Luckily, we went in the afternoon after some people had already created some type of pathway.  Despite the pathways, most of the kids and some of the parents were sinking in so deep that they were struggling to take their next step.

Finally, the boys were able to sled. 

All of the parents took turns giving the kids pushes to help the zoom down the hill.  Craig took his job very well and took a well deserved slide down the hill himself. 

Walking back tired and ready to warm up after lots of fun.

Stanmore Road was finally plowed in the evening.  Our friends on Brandon weren't so lucky and it took another 2 days for them to get plowed/packed down.  We are so happy that we went from the yellow lines on the street to the car because anybody that didn't was still stuck the next day. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Snowmageddon (Continued)

With sooooo much snow, we had to start considering digging out.  While the boys stayed inside to watch Frozen (fitting with all the frozen fractals), I tackled the shoveling.  A good playlist and I made an amazing dent into the pile.  Now, if the plow would come and help out....

Now that we had a path, the boys got dressed and came out to see what was going on.   They wanted to go sledding but we weren't certain that we could make it across Steveson Lane to reach the hills. They helped do some shoveling.

And, then there was some fun. After helping, they deserved it.  

The Murphy's had created a small hill in their yard and the boys were happy to take some rides down. We are hoping that we can get out soon and even if it is not in the car, some sledding would be fun and with the amount of snow that we got, I expect that we will have plenty of time since schools will probably be closed all week.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Catching up with Emma and Gabby

The boys had the day off and we decided to catch up with Gabby and Emma.  We errand picked up Chick Fil A on our way for lunch.   Upon arriving and in the car on the way (to be fair), Connor was freaking out about Tucker, the dog, and rightfully so.  Tucker was on Connor from the minute that he got out of the car.  

Connor was so shaken that he dropped his water bottle and started running.  When we finally retrieved the water bottle, there were teeth marks all over it.  We all get that he wants attention but neither Connor nor I have any interest in giving it to him. 

After Gabby reminded him that Tucker was outside again and safe, Connor was able to relax and actually smile and cuddle. They played some bowling before lunch while Emma snoozed. 

Emma finally woke up after her little snooze and was loving all of he attention.  The boys and Gabby were making necklaces and bracelets.  This pink one matches Emma's outfit. They did a good job accessorizing. 

And, this lasted for about 5 seconds because Emma apparently likes to toot/fart when on her stomach for tummy time!  Jackson jumped up when he got the first sniff and we all vacated the area for Gigi to take care of the package. 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Delivery of Bunk Beds

The boys had their last night in their convertible beds that have been set up this way for at least 3 years.  We had waited to transition the boys out of their cribs for a considerable amount of time as Jackson was so graceful when he would climb out the crib and Connor never ever tried. There was always the expectation that Connor would try and he just never did. We are incredibly thankful that Connor never tried as he's not very coordinated and he could have hurt himself. 

We worked all morning disassembling the toddler beds and getting them up into the attic.  By mid-day, the delivery people had arrived and the boys were super excited. They offered to supervise.  We agreed to this with the understanding that the boys did not interfere with the delivery men.  Both of them did a great job keeping out of the way. 

Once it was time, Jackson lent a hand in helping put on the sheets and help bring the mattresses in to the room. 

Despite some protest from Connor, which we weren't expecting, Jackson was the first to head up the ladder to get to the top bunk.  Connor had been adamant about not ever wanting to go up to the top bunk but once the set up was complete, he changed his mind.  

And, out the door, go the mattresses that we brought home over 6 1/2  years ago for Baby A and Baby B.  We definitely got our money out of these mattresses. 

Connor finally worked his way up to the top so we will definitely have to see what transpires in terms of who will get the beloved top bunk.  While Connor was in position at the top, he helped Jackson negotiate his lovies to set up the bed. 

Jackson was quick to confirm that his bed was comfy cozy for book reading. 

A late night sleeping picture of Connor. It's going to take many many years for our little boys to fill out these twin beds. Maybe, one day, he will stretch out his legs.