Saturday, January 16, 2016

Delivery of Bunk Beds

The boys had their last night in their convertible beds that have been set up this way for at least 3 years.  We had waited to transition the boys out of their cribs for a considerable amount of time as Jackson was so graceful when he would climb out the crib and Connor never ever tried. There was always the expectation that Connor would try and he just never did. We are incredibly thankful that Connor never tried as he's not very coordinated and he could have hurt himself. 

We worked all morning disassembling the toddler beds and getting them up into the attic.  By mid-day, the delivery people had arrived and the boys were super excited. They offered to supervise.  We agreed to this with the understanding that the boys did not interfere with the delivery men.  Both of them did a great job keeping out of the way. 

Once it was time, Jackson lent a hand in helping put on the sheets and help bring the mattresses in to the room. 

Despite some protest from Connor, which we weren't expecting, Jackson was the first to head up the ladder to get to the top bunk.  Connor had been adamant about not ever wanting to go up to the top bunk but once the set up was complete, he changed his mind.  

And, out the door, go the mattresses that we brought home over 6 1/2  years ago for Baby A and Baby B.  We definitely got our money out of these mattresses. 

Connor finally worked his way up to the top so we will definitely have to see what transpires in terms of who will get the beloved top bunk.  While Connor was in position at the top, he helped Jackson negotiate his lovies to set up the bed. 

Jackson was quick to confirm that his bed was comfy cozy for book reading. 

A late night sleeping picture of Connor. It's going to take many many years for our little boys to fill out these twin beds. Maybe, one day, he will stretch out his legs. 

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