Sunday, January 24, 2016

Snowmageddon (Continued)

With sooooo much snow, we had to start considering digging out.  While the boys stayed inside to watch Frozen (fitting with all the frozen fractals), I tackled the shoveling.  A good playlist and I made an amazing dent into the pile.  Now, if the plow would come and help out....

Now that we had a path, the boys got dressed and came out to see what was going on.   They wanted to go sledding but we weren't certain that we could make it across Steveson Lane to reach the hills. They helped do some shoveling.

And, then there was some fun. After helping, they deserved it.  

The Murphy's had created a small hill in their yard and the boys were happy to take some rides down. We are hoping that we can get out soon and even if it is not in the car, some sledding would be fun and with the amount of snow that we got, I expect that we will have plenty of time since schools will probably be closed all week.

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