Sunday, July 3, 2016

Anoki Up and more fun with the penguins

It was a semi bearable day with the heat and with Michael home, we decided to get him to the zoo. We happened upon the keepers working with the polar bear, Anoki.  Earlier this year, we had been to the zoo and the keepers were trying to cue Anoki to go up and she wasn't really responded.

When we first arrived, Anoki was in the pool after getting a reward.  So, we stayed awhile.

And, we finally got to see Anoki go UP to earn her reward and go splashing into the pool and get it.

After spending a considerable amount of time  with the polar bears, we moved on to the penguins.

The penguins were active and were swimming in and out of the viewing area by the penguin education center, which is our favorite part of the exhibit.

The videos and pictures that you can get in the education center are amazing. It's as if the boys are actually part of the exhibit.  We spend a lot of time in this area when we can find the penguins.  Often times, we will skip the penguin exhibit during feeding time as they are not very active in the education center  until later in the day, which is what we've noticed.  We always make sure to stop by on our way out.

The pink backed pelicans were a recent addition to the exhibit and are great to watch too.  For a little while that is, until a penguin goes swimming by..

Anytime that you can get a picture of your 1st born like this, you stay as long as it takes.

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