Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Finding Dory

We still love to watch Finding Nemo and were eagerly awaiting the release of Finding Dory. It took us a little bit to get there and we had to coordinate with Michael, but today was the day.

Connor was finishing up his afternoon snack of a pretzel before walking in.

There were previews of the next Disney film, Moana, which looks amazing and has beautiful music, and Secret Life of Pets, which is is definitely on our list of must sees this summer.

Prior to any Pixar film, there is a short release that typically has no words but tells a terrific story. The story was titled Piper and showed how difficult it is for a baby bird to learn how to function near the water.  Piper is pummeled by some surf and becomes afraid of her habitat.  She eventually learns how to negotiate the water by an unlikely source, a hermit crab.

It was time for the main feature, Finding Dory. There was a little bit of a flashback but we were introduced to Baby Dory, a/k/a kelpcake to her parents, Jenny and Charlie.

It was on a trip to the drop off that Dory determined that he needed to find her parents because she knew they were alive.

Marlin and Nemo followed but after a confrontation, they were separated.  They summoned their friend, Crush, and got a ride to the Jewel of Morrow Bay, CA.  This is where Dory had gone to find her parents.

After a long journey,  Marlin and Nemo arrived at the Institute and were greeted by Fluke and Rudder, the seas lions in charge of the shallow bay area. They expressed a need for help and were directed to Becky.  A skeptical Marlin gave in and there were some really funny moments that ensued.

While Marlin and Nemo were getting carted around by Becky,

Dory had found a disgruntled septopus that just wanted to go to Cleveland of all places.  Hank, the septopus, didn't really want to interact with people or other animals and Dory taught him the benefit of being friends.

We finally met Dory's pipe pals, Bailey and Destiney, who did in fact teach her how to speak whale!!! 

A lot of blue tangs but still not Jenny and Charlie.  During this time, Connor encouraged Dory by stating "you can do it" and Jackson confirmed "I never wanna loose my family."

There was an exciting scene full of adventure that involved an octopus driving a delivery vehicle, that vehicle crashing into the bay, a cuddle party performed by some otters to distract drivers by and an escape that eventually gave Dory enough memories to figure out how to find her parents. Without Hank, none of it would have been possible

During their adventures, Marlin realizes that sometimes you just need to ask "what would Dory do" when you are stuck and can't find your way.   After getting reunited with Marlin and Nemo, Dory remembers the seashell path is what would lead her back to her family and it does.

There was a lot of buzz about staying for the credits and I'm so happy that we did despite how hungry we all were (it was a really long movie) because all of the aquarium fish from the dentist's office made an appearance. Apparently, they are still trying to figure out where they want to live.  They did make it a long way from Sydney, Australia.

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