Monday, August 29, 2016

Connor's pneumonia and hospital stay

Connor wasn't feeling his best over the weekend and was short of breath on Monday morning after a lot of coughing and a rough night of sleep. I decided to take him to quick sick at the doctor while Michael took care of getting Jackson to school and he was given a breathing treatment and some oral steroids and some additional prescriptions were sent to the pharmacy for pick up.

We left the doctor's office hoping to get Connor some rest and to pick up his prescriptions. While we were at the pharmacy, Connor threw up his oral steroid.  It was an absolute mess.  After consulting with the pharmacist and leaving a message for the doctor's office, I decided to give him some more of the dose while he ate his breakfast.  Again, he threw up.  Since it wasn't going well, I put him to bed after administering some additional breathing treatments.

He woke up from his nap, ate some lunch and seemed to be doing o.k.  He was still laboring to breath and wasn't getting that much relief after his nebulizer treatments.  We picked up Jackson from school and tried to get Connor to rest some more.  Michael got home early enough to take Jackson to soccer practice. Immediately after they left, I offered Connor water, which he threw up.  Connor NEVER gets sick much less 3 times in a couple of hours.  I decided that when Michael got back, I was taking him to the ER as clearly he couldn't keep his medicine down and it didn't appear to be doing any good.

We arrived at the E.R. and Connor was given continual nebulizer treatments to no avail.  There would be a slight increase in his oxygen levels but it immediately would go back down.  And, with being on continual oxygen, it should have maintained the regular number.  The respiration therapist had to come back so many times that I could tell this wasn't going to end well.  He also received a chest XRay to see if they could find anything.  The XRay was relatively clear and they still had no answers. Pneumonia was tossed around as a possible diagnosis along with exacerbated breathing. While he went through treatments, we watched Willy Wonka and started another movie.  We can't say enough good things about the Pediatric ER at GBMC.  Because it was so crowded on the day that he got his stitches, we never made it back there.

After getting some more stats, it was determined that we would be transported via ambulance to Johns Hopkins PICU so that he could get on high flow oxygen, which was not available at GBMC (cue panic).  It happened so quickly.  The day before he was playing soccer and at a pool party and now we couldn't wait for me to drive him down to the hospital....  Luckily, Connor fell asleep as the arrangements were made.

He woke up around 3 a.m. Tuesday morning for the transfer (note: we got to the ER slightly before 8 p.m. and were taken back immediately).  I had to say goodbye to him and sit in the passenger seat but could hear him talking to the ambulance staff.  He was exhausted but in good spirits understanding that he needed more help that GBMC just couldn't provide.

On the ride to Hopkins, he was pointing out locations that he knew to the girls in the ambulance while receiving his continuous nebulizer treatments. I look forward to one day that this sweet boy won't have to get his breathing treatments but in the interim am super thankful that he typically responds so well.

Once we arrived, there was a large number of medical staff waiting to meet us.  We answered lots of questions and Connor was put on the high flow oxygen and given some medicines to help encourage him to sleep.  After some initial complaining about the administering of the oxygen through the nose, he fell asleep holding my hand.  There was a FLURRY and I do mean flurry of activity through the early morning hours and are super thankful that he was able to stay asleep while vitals and oxygen levels were checked. 

He awoke in the morning and was feeling better. We were able to set him up with his Kindle and track down DVDs that the PICU provided to its patients.  There is definitely some comfort in knowing that Connor was definitely going to get better.  On my quick walks to stretch my legs and use the bathroom, I was able to see a lot of patients that there was a good chance that they didn't walk away from their hospital bed without significant issues or at all.

Connor had breakfast and after some sassy conversations (read: Connor was getting better) over the available DVDs, I encouraged him to fall asleep and he did.

I left the patient with his dad and the plan was for me to get some rest because clearly there was no sleeping with all the noises of the machine and continual checking of stats.  I would then get Jackson and we would go down to visit with Connor, which the PICU allowed for us since they were twins and we promised that Jackson would be calm.

To give him some normalcy, we grabbed a Kona Ice with some of his friends and then hurried down to the hospital as I was anxious to get back and Jackson really wanted to see his brother.

Upon arrival, we got the update that they were hoping to remove the nasal cannula delivering the oxygen after dinner because Connor was doing so much better!! They had already reduced the size of the cannula because it was irritating him so much when he was awake. Jackson got to give Connor lots of hugs and kisses before we left and they watched New Hope since they are obsessed with Star Wars.

After dropping Jackson off, I got to the hospital and was informed that the plan was to discharge Connor right before noon.  He had weaned off the high flow oxygen around 7 p.m. and was given breathing treatments through the night in an effort to push them to 4 hours apart. The timing couldn't have been better.  He was so ready to leave the hospital and we couldn't wait to get him home.

Before we could leave, Connor's IV drain needed to be taken out. This could have been construed by Connor as the WORST thing that could have happened to him. Taking the tape off took almost a half hour.  He was second guessing every bit of what was going on, which totally confirmed that Connor was back. It was so irrational but could easily be linked to lack of sleep too.

Finally the tape is free and he is officially discharged.

We can not say enough about the care given at the PICU at Johns Hopkins. The staff is attentive and there is a one on one ratio with nursing staff throughout the day.  It was so comforting to know that there was one person designated to our patient and that he was getting their best.  The picture below is from a couple days after and show all of the monitors that were attached to him.  He was just as upset about getting the sticky stuff off but eventually calmed down when I showed him how easily that olive oil would get it off.  Connor at all times is ready to take a deposition, which is one of the things that we love the most about him!! And, thankfully, he is on the mend.

We left the hospital with what we still believe to be pneumonia although there was no fever, which is one of the main components of a pneumonia diagnosis.  There is a definite plan to step up our administering of medicines to Connor as I believe freshly cut grass at soccer and a slew of germy birthday parties and the start of school collided on him and his immune and respirator systems couldn't catch up.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Celebrating Katelyn at Padonia Park Club

After the West Hammers first game, we rushed home to get into our bathing suits to celebrate a special 2 year's old's birthday.  It was a really hot day and a jump in the pool after lots of running around on the soccer field was definitely in order.  The boys were particularly excited as they heard that Padonia Park had slides and a diving board.

After getting something to eat, Jackson was eager to explore the pools.  Connor joined him but didn't really seem into it at all.  He was in the pool but not as excited as we knew he usually was.  At a certain point, he exited the pool to not return and was playing catch with Michael.

Padonia Park  has a variety of pools for different ages and levels that are easily accessible for the kids and lifeguards are in place in case they are moving faster than you are (ahem Jackson).  Jackson spent a considerable amount of time playing with Katie and had the best time.

We are very happy to be invited to celebrate Katelyn's birthday.  The boys, particularly Jackson, had a great time helping you celebrate your birthday and getting to experience the slides and diving boards. Jackson took several jumps off the diving board and many a runs down the slide.  It was a fun pool party.  Maybe next time, Connor will be feeling better and can enjoy them.

West Ham : Game 1

After several practices, the Hammers were in action for their first game. It was HOT HOT and more HOT.  We tried to keep the boys as hydrated as possible.  The other issue was the biting flies.  It was so hot and sunny on the field that most of the parents retreated to a shady section and the flies were relentless.  They were biting through blankets, wouldn't respond to attempts to try to shoo them.  Bug spray was definitely in order.  The boys didn't complain at all, which is probably because they were so hot and sweaty.

After warms ups, the Hammers were ready to get on the field.  With vacations and other commitments, there were no substitutes available in the game.

Matthew Woelper was a beast for his first ever soccer game.  He scored 5 goals and led the Hammers
to victory.  Coach Jason commended the kids after the game for maintaining their position and pulling out the victory against Everton.

Lots of rehydration.  Next time, we will have to bring extra water bottles if it stays this hot.

Coach Jason's wife came through with fun snacks to continue the excitement.  Next stop, Katie's pool party.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Summer Movie Series : Paddington

Paddington was very high on my list when the Summer Movie Series were announced.  The story had always intrigued me and clearly you couldn't go wrong with a bear wearing a toggle coat and a rain hat.  And, with the boys going back to school next week, it was our last movie date.

The movie gave the history of Paddington's ancestors from Darkest Peru and how they were discovered by the a Geographers Guild.  The Guild gave the bears the red hat that Paddington is seen wearing and introduced them to marmalade.  The bears spent their days in Darkest Peru harvesting the necessary ingredients to duplicate the marmalade that became their favorite food.

After an earthquake that kills his uncle, Paddington is sent to London as the Guild had told them that they are always welcome in the UK.  He departs on a boat with a box of marmalade and pen and paper to correspond with his aunt.

Once Paddington arrives in London, he is immediately treated to the hustle and bustle of a city that wasn't really concerned about their latest visitor.  The Browns pick him up at the train station in Paddington and give him his name.

The understanding is that Paddington is to stay for the night and find another suitable home.  Mr. Brown is adamant that Paddington can not stay longer.

Paddington is encouraged to use the "facilities" but is unsure as to what he is doing as evidenced by the the use of the Brown's toothbrushes to clear wax out of his ear and the HYSTERICAL scene that ensues when he tries to take a bath....

With the much needed help of both Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Paddington discovers the buried research that the Geographer's Guild made about his family.  He had hoped to find refuge with the geographer that had led the expedition. This leads to a turn of events that it is revealed that the lead geographer's daughter wants to kill and stuff Paddington.

The Browns rescue Paddington and agree to keep him at home with them as Mr. Brown, the incredibly serious risk analyst, remembers to have fun.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Star Wars Night at Ironbirds Stadium

The timing wasn't the best being the same day as we returned from our vacation but we couldn't ask the Ironbirds to reschedule so we bought the tickets and invited the Reyes as we knew we weren't going to be ready to spend a night without them. 

Upon arriving at the stadium, we found Darth and Chewbaca.  There was an additional commander but neither of the boys knew who he was so we decided to zoom in on Chewie and Darth.  It's not like the Commander would know.

We asked Leia for a separate picture from the troopers and she obliged.

As we searched for our seats, we found a Storm Trooper waiting for the National Anthem to be sung. He was very respectful and stayed in a Storm Trooper stance.  There were a lot of kids that came up to him trying to get his attention but he ignored them out of respect.

Even after the anthem had ended, the Storm Trooper kept a serious face.  He did pose with Jackson and Connor but clearly there was no smiling.

Jackson couldn't resist a pic with Ferrous.

After we had dinner, we walked around in search of a snack for the boys and Jackson wanted to see if any of the other characters were available.  It ended up being a new set with the troopers, Darth and Chewbaca.  Jackson didn't really like the idea that Chewbaca was with Darth and the troopers.  He asked nicely and was able to negotiate a pic with just Chewbaca

I was able to get Connor from his snack hunt and get a picture with him and the "guys."  Connor was the opposite of Jackson in wanting a picture with just Darth and the troopers.

We were able to coordinate a pic with the Reyes' and Ferrous.  Jackson spent a lot of time sitting next to Bella.  It's safe to say that after a a week long vacation, both of our boys have a crush on her.

Jackson does watch the game but also likes to walk around.  He found Rey and asked for a picture.

After Rey, he spotted Rip Cord who was wearing a special jersey for the Star Wars Night.

Our last group pic was with the Greene Turtle.  ALL of us were sweating and taking advantage of all of the free waters available. Bradley was using the free water cup to cover his face.  Despite the heat and heat lightning that we had been seeing throughout the night,  we waited until the end of the game as it was a firework night.

Star Wars music was being played as the fireworks were going off in the outfield.  It was a great display and despite how tired that the boys were, we had a good time.