Saturday, August 13, 2016

Star Wars Night at Ironbirds Stadium

The timing wasn't the best being the same day as we returned from our vacation but we couldn't ask the Ironbirds to reschedule so we bought the tickets and invited the Reyes as we knew we weren't going to be ready to spend a night without them. 

Upon arriving at the stadium, we found Darth and Chewbaca.  There was an additional commander but neither of the boys knew who he was so we decided to zoom in on Chewie and Darth.  It's not like the Commander would know.

We asked Leia for a separate picture from the troopers and she obliged.

As we searched for our seats, we found a Storm Trooper waiting for the National Anthem to be sung. He was very respectful and stayed in a Storm Trooper stance.  There were a lot of kids that came up to him trying to get his attention but he ignored them out of respect.

Even after the anthem had ended, the Storm Trooper kept a serious face.  He did pose with Jackson and Connor but clearly there was no smiling.

Jackson couldn't resist a pic with Ferrous.

After we had dinner, we walked around in search of a snack for the boys and Jackson wanted to see if any of the other characters were available.  It ended up being a new set with the troopers, Darth and Chewbaca.  Jackson didn't really like the idea that Chewbaca was with Darth and the troopers.  He asked nicely and was able to negotiate a pic with just Chewbaca

I was able to get Connor from his snack hunt and get a picture with him and the "guys."  Connor was the opposite of Jackson in wanting a picture with just Darth and the troopers.

We were able to coordinate a pic with the Reyes' and Ferrous.  Jackson spent a lot of time sitting next to Bella.  It's safe to say that after a a week long vacation, both of our boys have a crush on her.

Jackson does watch the game but also likes to walk around.  He found Rey and asked for a picture.

After Rey, he spotted Rip Cord who was wearing a special jersey for the Star Wars Night.

Our last group pic was with the Greene Turtle.  ALL of us were sweating and taking advantage of all of the free waters available. Bradley was using the free water cup to cover his face.  Despite the heat and heat lightning that we had been seeing throughout the night,  we waited until the end of the game as it was a firework night.

Star Wars music was being played as the fireworks were going off in the outfield.  It was a great display and despite how tired that the boys were, we had a good time.

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