Friday, August 5, 2016

Smiling at the Dentist

We had scheduled the boys' dental visit so early that we had no idea that it was going to be on the day before we left for the beach.  Regardless, it was time and there were going to be X-Rays.

Connor has come a VERY long way with his ability to handle visits to the dentist.  Over the years, we've gone from considering a win a partial teeth cleaning to him handling the cleanings well and from him flat out refusing to get the X-Rays to this time when he was actually o.k. with it.

I'm so happy whenever we see the boy's smile but at the dentist --- we are winning!!!

Jackson didn't need X-Rays as he had started cooperating earlier that Connor.  So, he went first with his teeth cleaning. If you didn't think it was possible to flirt while instruments are in your mouth, Jackson is here to prove you wrong.  He does it with ease.  Smiling and chatting and talking up the hygienist are yet another example of how this boys is starting early on his bid for public office.

It was Connor's turn in the chair and he did great. The hygienist and the dentist chatted with him about his shirt and by the end, another BIG smile and a thumbs up from Connor.

Another good dental visit despite the cavity that Jackson has.  The dentist has been pushing for him to have it filled but with how many teeth that he has lost already, our plan is to wait for it to fall out.  We were able to confirm that the rate at which he was loosing teeth was totally normal.

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