Monday, September 12, 2016

MD Zoo in Baltimore : September 12, 2016

The boys had a scheduled day off school and we decided to go to the zoo.

We quickly passed by the penguins and decided to take some time looking for the hornbills.  The hornbills were initially hiding so it took awhile to find them but when we did, they were very active with a piece of wood.  We stayed watching them longer than we ever have.

As always, we take a couple of pictures of the flamingos and share them with Michael. The reflection of the penguins in the second picture is perfection.  

After the flamingos, we were off to see the chimpanzees.  Since it has been working better to get there earlier, we've changed up our typical routine.

It was the right decision as we found enrichment going on with the buckets and lots of active chimps that were climbing,  grooming and playful with each other and in the tunnel and on the ropes.

The keepers stopped by and let us know that once the chimpanzees started banging on these containers, there would be a lot of displaying.  And almost on cue, the chimps became very vocal and active.  There was a larger crowd forming by this point and we walked away as the displays started happening.

The lemurs were inside and not very active so we moved on to the okapi.  I still remember how obsessed the boys were with the okapi when the zebras were never out on repeated visits years ago. The okapi was very active.

The kudu baby is finally out.  It will be exciting to watch the baby grow with his family.

We opted not to check in with the polar bears in favor of the Children's Zoo and we are so happy that we did as the otter was actually visible and swimming around.  It was great.  We spend a lot of time looking in hoping to get a glimpse and not only did we get a glimpse, there was actual activity.  It was a great day at the zoo.

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