Monday, December 26, 2016

Kenilworth Trains

We had missed so much with the weekend plans we had made that it took us until the day after Christmas to get the boys to Kenilworth and see the trains. Connor wasn't feeling his best but we wanted to try and do something.  And, he had lots of opportunities to sit down and rest.

From where we entered, we immediately found the Ocean City display, including favorites like the Kite Loft and Fishers popcorn.  We haven't been to that area since before the boys were born but it was exactly how we remembered.  Rehoboth has Dumsers and Fishers so we were able to point those familiar spots out to them.

Things were moving slow as there were several smaller kids whose parents wanted them to soak EVERYTHING in for extended periods of time.  I guess we were there once too.  Connor spotted R2D2 in the stock yard and was all kinds of happy.

Once we turned the corner, we found all of the sugar coated structures and it was bright and beautiful.

The last display was dedicated for football and baseball fields. It was so nice that they commemorated Ray Lewis and the last Super Bowl victory for the Baltimore Ravens.

This picture captures yet another lost tooth by Jackson.  Connor is holding strong at none lost. It's almost like when they were drooling babies and  Jackson had 6 before Connor lost his first.  In Connor's defense, he lost 4 in a week.  We haven't been counting but we think that it could be his 10th.

The boys continue to be in awe of this display year after year and so do their parents.

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