Sunday, January 29, 2017

Week 4 of 52

Jackson:  He has become incredibly obsessed with history and politics and will watch Meet the Press with Michael on Sunday mornings because if it's Sunday...  Earlier this week, Jackson had brought home a book about ghosts and discussions of burials and cemeteries came up.  We've also had chats about segregation as the topic has been addressed in his take home books.  Today, we couldn't be more proud as he wrote a letter to Donald Trump voicing all of his concerns about what he feels has been wrong in the first couple of weeks in his administration.

Connor:  He was as having issues this week with friends. Connor suffers from the lack of a filter and is not afraid to verbalize his opinion.  This week, he was having a disagreement with his close buddy. He was adamant that he was no longer friends with him as they weren't talking.  We chatted about it and by Friday, they were friends again.  Unfortunately, we expect many issues like this for Connor as he struggles to filter what he should be saying.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Week 3 of 52

Jackson:  There were a lot of great moments for this boy this week, including winning at UNO (he's so lucky), a flirtatious trip to the doctor for the diagnosis of an ear infection but nothing bigger than his first soccer goal.  He technically scored 2 but the referee didn't recognize the 1st one.  And, both of his coaches thought he scored 2.  Jackson has been getting close and has been doing a lot of cheering on the sidelines and passing to open teammates so his assist total is up there.  Coach Jason let him play forward and it became official.  The game of indoor soccer is completely different as you loose players when you are up by a certain amount of goals so the goal he scored was when The Force only had 3 players and he was one of them.  So EXCITED for this boy...

Connor:  He really rallied this week.  The number of eye rolls lessened and our helpful and thoughtful Connor was back. His OBSESSION and I do mean OBSESSION with UNO hit an all time high this week.  He started handling the Wild Draw 4s a lot better and was happy playing UNO in lieu of watching a t.v. program.  There were several nights, that he would "shuffle" the cards and deal them out ready for the next game.  He is not as lucky as Jackson with his card but he is doing so much better with his sportsmanship. I'm really happy to see this side of Connor. We have definitely missed it.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Week 2 of 52

Jackson LOVES going to live events and the Blast game did not disappoint him.  Aunt Gina and Uncle Tony gifted the boys with great seats on the field to see their first MISL game.  Jackson was leaning up the wall and encouraging the Blast players on the field, pointing things out to the referees and letting players on the other team know when they had done something wrong.  And because we were so close to the field, they could hear everything he was saying.  He was leading Let's Go Blast cheers, dancing when the cheerleaders came out and clearly having a great time. Both boys are hoping to get to the Arena for another game before the season ends. 

Connor had an interesting week.  He had some highs with his thoughtful comments about the Chimps and Orangutans as they are finally showing episodes and he had some lows.  The biggest low came during a game of UNO that he absolutely fell apart while playing on Thursday night (I see you Thursday as being a problem for our Connor and we don't like it).  He apparently received too many Wild Draw 4's and couldn't handle it.  It was the second time this week that a game of UNO  resulted in such a frenzy.  But, after a good night of sleep, Connor woke up Friday morning and was ready to have a great day.  He was happy and was ready to look for his missing water bottle, which was causing a lot of his concern yesterday.  This picture was taken after we found it.  We miss this smile when its not around and hopefully we will be seeing more smiles than scowls and eye rolls.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Week 1 of 52 in 2017

In lieu of trying to do a Project 365, I was inspired by the idea of doing 1 pick a week for each boy with a description of what was going that week and thought that was totally doable.

So, week 1 of My Project 52

Jackson has a kind heart. A lot of people see a sprite that jumps around and those that dig deeper understand that there is so much more there than a bubbly little boy that moves quickly and doesn't seem to care about others.  On this day, Jackson walked up the steps in my Hunter tall rain boots, which was totally concerning as he could trip, and I played him a video of his impersonation of piggy power from the movie Sing. He inquired if I sent it to his friend who wasn't feeling well and if it made her feel better. That's our boy.

Connor has been having a rough couple of days. He's very much so a rule follower and wants to please everyone especially his teacher.  There were several days this week that Connor chose a book that was too long in his take home book.  On this day in particular, Connor was beside himself over picking a book that was too long and had a 30 + minute tantrum that involved shriek/screaming about his need to do homework after being sent to his room.  We figured it out eventually but 7 has been hard.   This pic is from earlier in the day when he was happy about the snow coming down.