Sunday, January 29, 2017

Week 4 of 52

Jackson:  He has become incredibly obsessed with history and politics and will watch Meet the Press with Michael on Sunday mornings because if it's Sunday...  Earlier this week, Jackson had brought home a book about ghosts and discussions of burials and cemeteries came up.  We've also had chats about segregation as the topic has been addressed in his take home books.  Today, we couldn't be more proud as he wrote a letter to Donald Trump voicing all of his concerns about what he feels has been wrong in the first couple of weeks in his administration.

Connor:  He was as having issues this week with friends. Connor suffers from the lack of a filter and is not afraid to verbalize his opinion.  This week, he was having a disagreement with his close buddy. He was adamant that he was no longer friends with him as they weren't talking.  We chatted about it and by Friday, they were friends again.  Unfortunately, we expect many issues like this for Connor as he struggles to filter what he should be saying.

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