Sunday, January 15, 2017

Week 2 of 52

Jackson LOVES going to live events and the Blast game did not disappoint him.  Aunt Gina and Uncle Tony gifted the boys with great seats on the field to see their first MISL game.  Jackson was leaning up the wall and encouraging the Blast players on the field, pointing things out to the referees and letting players on the other team know when they had done something wrong.  And because we were so close to the field, they could hear everything he was saying.  He was leading Let's Go Blast cheers, dancing when the cheerleaders came out and clearly having a great time. Both boys are hoping to get to the Arena for another game before the season ends. 

Connor had an interesting week.  He had some highs with his thoughtful comments about the Chimps and Orangutans as they are finally showing episodes and he had some lows.  The biggest low came during a game of UNO that he absolutely fell apart while playing on Thursday night (I see you Thursday as being a problem for our Connor and we don't like it).  He apparently received too many Wild Draw 4's and couldn't handle it.  It was the second time this week that a game of UNO  resulted in such a frenzy.  But, after a good night of sleep, Connor woke up Friday morning and was ready to have a great day.  He was happy and was ready to look for his missing water bottle, which was causing a lot of his concern yesterday.  This picture was taken after we found it.  We miss this smile when its not around and hopefully we will be seeing more smiles than scowls and eye rolls.

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