Sunday, April 2, 2017

Week 13 of 52 in 2017

Jackson:  Jackson and Wyatt are best buddies. Wyatt even sent him and Connor but mostly Jackson a happy birthday video message. It was the absolute cutest that they were able to  have a light saber battle. Note: Wyatt has cooler toys than the boys. Their friendship is so sweet to watch. Jackson always ends his time with Wyatt with a hug and a kiss on the head.

Connor: Connor apparently swallowed his tooth during lunch on Friday.  He definitely had it Friday morning as there was a precarious teeth cleaning in the morning.  We realized it was gone on the way in to the doctor's office.  For as neat and orderly that he is about everything, it amazed us that he has lost 2 teeth and was unable to find either one.  At one point, the tooth fairy will get a tooth.

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