Sunday, April 16, 2017

Week 15 of 52 in 2017

It was spring break, which had lots of ups and downs emotionally for the boys.  It was a week PACKED full of things to do.  Instead of focusing on the emotional issues that we had, which deserves its own post, I am going to focus on our trips to Washington D.C.

On Monday, we went to the National Zoo. It was so crowded that the lots were all full and we were directed to an adjoining neighborhood.  Connor may have had a serious anxiety attack over the idea of parking the car and getting a ticket.  We discussed that we didn't have a choice and that the ticket would only be a little more than the fee to park at the zoo. Luckily, he acquiesced and we had a great trip.

On Friday, Michael joined us for another trip to DC via the MARC to check out the monuments. Michael was blown away with how easy it was to board the train and how you could be in the heart of DC in just an hour.  We are going to gloss over how we barely made the train, mmmkay (it was by minutes...)  It was a great day exploring the monuments and absorbing all the history that the boys   could handle in our Nation's Capital.  Jackson was conspiring on how we could go back the following weekend. Oh, how we wish that it was that easy!!

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