Sunday, April 30, 2017

Week 17 of 52 in 2017

Jackson:  It was the day of the 1st grade field trip to Cromwell Valley Park and despite getting his wish of being with Ms. Osgood, Jackson was not able to handle that I was with Connor's class even though I had chaperoned his field trip to the Aquarium.  So, I had a stowaway bringing the total of kids that I was monitoring to 10.  He had the best time in the stream and was in the lead of all of his friends and classmates.

Connor:  He was really looking forward to this trip and after being there with him for a 2nd time, I'm not really understanding why. The last time that Connor was at Cromwell Valley in the stream, he complained and complained of water and rocks in his shoes.  This picture demonstrates his happiness in the beginning of the trip down the stream.  At some point after this picture, Connor opted to take his rain boot off and couldn't get it back on even with multiple parents trying to help him. Imagine him unsteady waking on rocks.  He decided on his own that the stream exploration at Cromwell Valley was definitely not for him.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Week 16 of 52 in 2017

Jackson:  Jackson has started to wane with regard to his decision to not play baseball. He LOVES lacrosse and is doing so well with it but the time he is missing with Michael and that Connor is getting is starting to affect his mood. It was opening day and Jackson was able to debut in his new role as Junior Coach. He was so proud and happy that he finally got to meet the team.  He pulled bats out that were discarded and helped keep the bench tidy and announced the lineup.

Connor:  We went back and forth on whether or not Connor was ready to move up to Rookie.   It has been an emotional start to the season with lots of tears and we hope that he adjusts.  The  next goal for him is to relax and accept that the pitches his dad is throwing to him are strikes and he needs to swing.  The Giants won in a 3 game scrimmage against the Orioles, which led to bragging rights in his class.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Week 15 of 52 in 2017

It was spring break, which had lots of ups and downs emotionally for the boys.  It was a week PACKED full of things to do.  Instead of focusing on the emotional issues that we had, which deserves its own post, I am going to focus on our trips to Washington D.C.

On Monday, we went to the National Zoo. It was so crowded that the lots were all full and we were directed to an adjoining neighborhood.  Connor may have had a serious anxiety attack over the idea of parking the car and getting a ticket.  We discussed that we didn't have a choice and that the ticket would only be a little more than the fee to park at the zoo. Luckily, he acquiesced and we had a great trip.

On Friday, Michael joined us for another trip to DC via the MARC to check out the monuments. Michael was blown away with how easy it was to board the train and how you could be in the heart of DC in just an hour.  We are going to gloss over how we barely made the train, mmmkay (it was by minutes...)  It was a great day exploring the monuments and absorbing all the history that the boys   could handle in our Nation's Capital.  Jackson was conspiring on how we could go back the following weekend. Oh, how we wish that it was that easy!!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Week 14 of 52 in 2017

Jackson:  Jackson had his 1st lacrosse game and he was so happy to find some extra fans rooting for him.  He was ECSTATIC when his Uncle, Aunt and cousin appeared for the game.  As for the game itself, we couldn't be happier for him and are not sure how he knew how to check but are so happy to see these smiles for him while he is playing a sport in the spring.

Connor: It was another busy week for us and despite some complaints, I was able to talk Connor into this button down for his class pictures.  We discussed that despite it not being comfy (his assertion) that he looked handsome.  We LOVE that smile.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Week 13 of 52 in 2017

Jackson:  Jackson and Wyatt are best buddies. Wyatt even sent him and Connor but mostly Jackson a happy birthday video message. It was the absolute cutest that they were able to  have a light saber battle. Note: Wyatt has cooler toys than the boys. Their friendship is so sweet to watch. Jackson always ends his time with Wyatt with a hug and a kiss on the head.

Connor: Connor apparently swallowed his tooth during lunch on Friday.  He definitely had it Friday morning as there was a precarious teeth cleaning in the morning.  We realized it was gone on the way in to the doctor's office.  For as neat and orderly that he is about everything, it amazed us that he has lost 2 teeth and was unable to find either one.  At one point, the tooth fairy will get a tooth.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Hopkins v. Swarthmore

Towson Rec Council encouraged all their baseball players to attend the Hopkins v. Swarthmore game. Despite it being windy and cool, we decided it was something fun to do regardless of the weather.

Hopkins pulled out a victory and we had a great time watching the players and listening to the music. We are hoping to find a way to the field again for another.

After the game, the little leaguers in attendance were encouraged to go onto the field by the Impact Group.

Jackson, Conor Hodes, Chase and Connor

The kids were encouraged to run the bases.  The boys couldn't resist.

After running the bases, several Hopkins players were available for autographs. I'm not sure of how many autographs that Jackson was able to get as it looked like he was using the baseball player to write his name.  Michael figured out one of the Hopkins players played in RPBL when he was coaching the Toppers.  It's definitely Smalltimore.