Friday, June 16, 2017

Jackson doesn't need glasses yet...

At the encouragement of the nurse who administered an eye exam during the boys' well visit this year, we scheduled an eye appointment to confirm if Jackson was having issues or just couldn't sit still. He was very nervous and adamant about not really wanting glasses.  We arrived late in the maze that is Cross Keys but Jackson patiently waited.

Upon arriving, his tech performed numerous tests on Jackson applauding him for his good work. She confirmed the nurse's suspicions that there were some issues with Jackson and seeing distance. However, she wanted to dilate his eyes to confirm.

Despite being uncomfortable during the dialation, Jackson handled himself very well.  There was a fun waiting room with toys and they were playing movies.

After waiting 30 minutes in an already long appointment, we returned to the office and she confirmed that Jackson did not have perfect vision in his one eye and that he will eventually need glasses but not just yet. She added that it would only be necessary for him to come back for another consult next year is if someone administering an eye exam notices that he is struggling.

After over 2 hours, we were able to leave the office with the news that he wanted and to prepare him for the possibility of glasses that may come sooner than what he wants.

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