Sunday, June 18, 2017

Week 24 of 52 in 2017

Jackson: At the boys' 7 year well visit, the nurse who did an eye exam suggested that we have Jackson see an eye doctor as he struggled with the eye test. Unsure if it was his inability to sit still, we scheduled the appointment. After an almost 2 hour appointment that included his eyes getting dilated, it was confirmed that he will eventually need glasses but not this year. He was SUPER happy to hear that it was not now.

Connor:  The Giants played their last game on Monday. Connor came up big for his team with 2 hits. He FINALLY was able to reach 1st base. He didn't make it to 2nd but after struggling this season at the plate, we are thrilled for him.  And, he was super happy to have had Beck on his team this year.

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