Sunday, April 5, 2020

Week 14 of 52 in 2020

Jackson and Connor: The difference in a couple days! We attended a mini concert on the Millard's lawn by the Honeydews, who were great on Monday and on the following day, Governor Hogan issued an Order prohibited gatherings of 10 or more people and requiring people to stay 6 feet apart to stop the spread of COVID-19.

When we ran into Beck on one of our long walks on Thursday, we kept our distance.

Jackson: Jackson was WAY overdue for a haircut. We were planning to get there when everything shut down.  He needs a haircut every 5 weeks just like mom and dad (lucky him) and we had to do something. Unfortunately, we are not so great with the clippers other than cleaning up the neck area and sideburns. There were real tears!! We will have to check out some YouTube videos. A lot came out but it definitely was not a high fade with a hard part.

Connor:  We set up a Zoom with some of Connor's buddies from his homeroom. Jackson knew the boys too but it was Connor's time to host a Zoom. The conversation was slow to start but they eventually picked it up and were kind of bummed when it was over.

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