Sunday, November 1, 2020

Week 44 of 52 in 2020

Jackson:  This boys likes his sleep.  Connor sleeps on the top bunk and often wakes Jackson up when he descends in the morning for his wake up pee.  It's nice that on certain days, Jackson can ignore the descent down the ladder.

Jackson had a scrimmage against KP 2029 on Friday night and the moon was showing off on the way out of Meadowwod.

Connor: It was Connor's turn to show off his halloween pajamas.  Now that we've decided to keep the rocker/glider (Jackson likes to use it when having virtual school), we can recreate some collages from their toddler years.

Jackson and Connor: Just another day and some boys beside my own on a walk. Same topic; different day.

The Davis' invited us over for Halloween.  With everything going on with COVID and the boys not really worrying about picking out a costume, we were IN.  Their boys didn't miss the idea of dressing up either.  We promised the boys candy and they had some too. It was a cold but fun night. The boys played, watched a movie, we had pizza and kept warm by the bonfire. It was a perfect way to celebrate the holiday.

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