Sunday, November 8, 2020

Week 45 of 52 in 2020

Jackson and Connor: It was a busy week (yet again) for the boys.  We started off Monday with finally getting the boys in to a new dentist, Kids First Pediatric Dentistry.  They had appointments when COVID started shutting everything down and we opted to switch practices.  Dr. Bowden found a tooth in Connor's mouth that needed a filling so I'm happy that we were finally able to get him in to the dentist.  Connor wasn't happy about the switching of dentist because he's not big on change but mainly because of the filling.  Overall, it was a great experience.

Our RFES Today crew reporter had to do a segment on 10 spots in the Forge to go during COVID. First up was some footage at the fields.

After a lot of late nights and CONSTANT following of the election results, the race was FINALLY called for Joe Biden.  Our entire house was very happy!!!  Because of Jackson's news crew segment, we ended up over by Beck's house and there was some Proseco and a pizza party.  After returning to our side, there was some more celebrating!

After a tough semi final game against Manchester City (two overtime periods AND penalty kicks), the boys had their 3rd and final matchup with Borussia Dortmund.  They didn't win as soundly as their last game against them but they did dominate from the start of the game.  So happy for our defender that is tremendous at throw-ins (Connor) and our left footed midfielder that is willing to pass instead of trying to score.  Congrats TRC U12 Champions.

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