Thursday, October 28, 2010

10 months

It was an outstanding and outrageously fun October of 2010.

Eating updates:

Our ability to get to the farmers market slowed down as we just didn't have enough time in our weekends to be able to get to the Farmers Markets and grocery store as our weekends have gotten busier and busier. Their new fruits are plums and cranberries. However, they are very tart on their own so we introduced a new favorite in the house--yogurt. The boys (and the dad) are particular found of Stony Field Farms French Vanilla. We also made a more direct effort to encourage the boys to eat meats. We started with turkey from Honey Baked Ham, went to chicken and let them sample brisket and pulled pork from Andy Nelson. The perfect complement to any of these items is my hash brown casserole or "cheesy potatoes." Feeding Jackson has proven to be frustrating at times due to his often want to know what he is eating. An offer of squash can bring him to tears but was perfectly fine the day before?!?

Sleeping updates:

No real changes in terms of sleeping other than and adjustment in time of naps. The afternoon nap is starting to get shorter and the morning nap is a little longer.

General updates:

After the excitement of the first family trip, we had a busy month in October.

The boys got to the Tot Lot to have some fun on the swings, went to 2 different pumpkin patches, met a new friend, Avery, to pal around with, saw the Rowans at a party and watched the Phillies for the first time with Ms. Jen and Mr. John and most importantly other than helping me celebrate my birthday -- the boys were finally able to show off their Halloween costumes. Michael and I were able to celebrate his being nominated as a Rising Star by Living Classrooms, get to a Ravens game and go out to special dinner for our 6 year anniversary and my birthday (thanks to cousin Andrew, Ms. Kim, Ms. Christine, Aunt Gina and Uncle Tony for watching the boys).

The boys have retired a lot of the summer clothes and have moved on to long sleeve shirts. They can fit in either 9 or 12 month shirts but pants are still an issue. The boys can still wear 6 month pants. Jackson is back to a size 3 diaper. The amount of poop up the back drastically decreased. Neither boy still wants to sit for diaper changes.

Jackson is continuing to motor around. He has figured out to back up the walker and maneuver in areas that we are amazed that he can actually figure out. He is very agile and looks like he is going to be good at sports. And, he is standing on his own and not holding on to things. There doesn't appear to be an intent to walk yet but we will keep everyone posted.

Big news in terms of movement for Connor. He has finally started crawling and is pulling up on things and actually hanging on. And, he can use the walker. He moves around 2 mph completely hunched over but it is SUPER cute. The lowering of the crib wasn't the best for Michael since he had to perform this "fun" task two times in less than a week.

With Connor's increased ability to maneuver, Jackson and he are struggling. The walker has created the most tension. Connor is able to use the walker but is not able to pull himself so he needs help with getting started. Jackson is struggling with the idea that he has to share the walker since he has had it for his personal use for about 1 1/2 months. Jackson has crawled in between Connor's legs and pushed Connor out of the way. Again, a work in progress in terms of learning to share.

Looking forward to an "neat" November...

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