Monday, October 11, 2010

He's lost his mobile and can't have the monitor -- what is next on the list

About a month ago, I went in to get Jackson up from a nap and he was hanging/pulling on the animals in his mobile. I immediately removed it out of concern that he would eventually get it down as he can negotiate around his crib and shows no sign of fear or restraint when something looks dangerous.

We moved the video monitor to Jackson's crib when he started pulling up on items so that we could observe just how far he could get and it confirmed that he had to be lowered down to the lowest crib setting after watching him get around. In the past week, I experienced no reception and or fuzzy reception and when I went in to get Jackson from a nap, found him either chewing on the cord or playing with it. Well, last night, he sounded like he was hard at work with the cords before he had calmed down enough to go to sleep. When I checked on him around 11 p.m., I found him wrapped up in the cords. Not really sure how he managed it but it must have really worn him out as I basically had to lift him to unwrap the cord and he never woke up. Needless to say, the monitor is going to have to find a new home in the nursery!!

I had initially prepared this post without pictures but had yet to post it. I was finally able to get the pictures to confirm that he is and always will be a cord hunter. I had placed Jackson in Connor's crib to get some pictures of them together for my birthday, and after grabbing the camera found this...

Please do not let the innocent look of Jackson ever fool you as he is always up to something. Michael has finally lowered Connor's crib to the lowest setting so we won't have to stare at the monitor or leave the door open enough to make sure that Connor eventually lays down. Regardless of the danger that it presented, I will miss Connor's beaming smile when I open the door!!

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