Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2 Year Well Visit

The boys had their 2 year well-visit with Dr. Ken today.

Dr. Ken was very happy with the boys' developmentally and was actually able to administer a check-up on Jackson despite his staunch protests. He was very excited about the curtain and the drawers but not too happy about getting his lungs and chest checked.

Dr. Ken even used his Donald Duck impersonations and checked Michael but realized the best thing for mister independent was to hand him the stethoscope.

Jackson's weight never locked in on the scale but the nurse went with 27 lbs 2 1/2 ounces and he measured 37 inches. I was in TOTAL shock when Michael and Jackson returned from the scale and that 27 lbs was not even in our radar.

Connor was much easier to please and was a willing scale participant as there was a Cat picture for him to stare at. He weighed in at 27 lbs 10 1/2 ounces and he measured 36 inches. His weight was shocking in comparison to Jackson but we have noticed him thinning out and his pants are starting to fall off (gasp). I guess he really has been more active than in the past.

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