Saturday, September 29, 2012

Cheering for cousin Michael and the Fallston Cougars

It was a whirlwind of a day but we decided to make sure to catch up with Michael at his football game.

The boys were in awe of the entire experience.  The bowl type set-up and playground provided them with a lot of fun.  Lots of running up and down the hills and checking out the team.

And, surprisingly, it was Connor that made his way on to the field. Jackson actually exhibited some restraint.  He actually does listen better than his little brother.  Connor was very impressed with himself after he accomplished this feat!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Clean hands BUT no more stools in the kitchen

Connor has been on a mission to provide more "assistance" in the kitchen.  At school, the boys bake treats on Wednesday and the kids help during this process.  He's always been a "little mother" but this is taking it to a new level.  There are tears if he doesn't assist with cooking and he is SUPER obsessed with cleaning his hands. 

With the new found need to provide help in the kitchen has come an awareness that he can get to the sink with the stool.  This would be great if he didn't have instant access to water and actually listened when I told him that things were hot on the stove and couldn't reach small piece puzzles and his magnetic alphabet letters (all 52 of them).

Singing his ABC's to make sure his hands are good and clean!

Helping clean out the measuring cup again, again and again.  Obviously, of course, after the camel and gorilla got a bath.

His Zest for cleaning his hands and helping out led to enough tears at the end when he was assisted down off the stool. It was a fairly easy decision to remove the stools. Hopefully, his want for clean hands won't end but having immediate access to E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G in the kitchen is too much of a safety hazard.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Buckle Up

No less than a week after the boys were switched to their elephant chairs, the next "big boy" thing to do was figure out how to buckle yourself in, that is, if you are Jackson.

Excuse the diaper shots -- it was ravioli night, which means Sexy Baby and no clothes for the mess potential.



Will eventually lead to success!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Lucky Ducks

The boys received this as a Christmas gift and I figured it was finally time to try it out.

Jackson was enthralled by the whole idea and didn't want to share. Before I knew it -- he had taken the pond and whatever ducks he could grab and hid under the couch!!!

We tried together and it was fun. They actually got the concept of what was going on as they know their shapes BUT the idea of taking turns is a little hard for toddlers much less twins.

Jackson helped set up the pond with the ducks.

The shaking is ALWAYS a sign of enjoyment from Jackson!!!

 He just wanted to get a closer look of the ducks moving around the pond.

By the end, Connor took Ernie and the ducks on the safari truck.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Good bye high chairs!

With the start of school and Michael taking the day off, we took advantage of this time to disassemble the highchairs and transition to everyday use of the beloved "elephant" chairs.  The boys do so well in them when we go out and we were so tired of maneuvering all of the additional chairs around our dining room.

They didn't know that this was going to be the last time and they definitely didn't mind the camera... 

Serious concentration. Probably watching Mary Poppins!

Mouth is full.

Connor picking off the raised pieces of strawberry on his mum mums after he licks it to get them soft. Ewww but that's his thing.

I sifted through some old pics and found the first ones that I had of the boys in their high chairs. My guess is that they are from the first times that they were in them, which was August of 2010.

They were so small. How are they almost 3 years old?!?

all smiles after 1st day of school!!

We had talked up school a lot but were concerned that it was going to be a tough transition as it was the day after vacation.  I had initially wanted them to do Tuesdays and Thursdays out of concern that Monday mornings are generally not the best day for people like Michael and I that are not morning people at all.  We were lucky enough to secure spots at all so we took Monday and Wednesday.

The drop off and pick up process is handled by the school and people that work there. It is done in an effort to avoid the "one more kiss" and "one more hug" that can commonly occur with toddlers.  Both boys handled the drop off very well and were all smiles at pick-up, especially since Michael was in the car with me.

The assistant teacher, Ms. Howell, pointing out the car.

Running up the steps.

Getting closer,  yet, further, away from Ms. Howe.

They didn't want to do their crafts but it is so good to see how happy they were when we picked them up.

Friday, September 7, 2012

2012 Rehoboth Beach Vacation {Day 6 - Part 3 - Jackson, horses don't eat chocolate, no}

We had been admiring this horse farm ever since we arrived and despite it getting late and the No Trespassing sign, the car just happened to go on in and the boys just happened to get out.

Jackson was first to get out as Connor was hesitant as to his proximity to the horses and Michael was still super concerned about the No Trespassing sign.  He has no fear and was running up to get up close with the horses.

Connor eventually got out of the car to see what he was missing.

As soon as they saw the boys, the horse came running over.

Brothers staring at the ponies.

This horse was super friendly and happy to see visitors.

Jackson wants to get really close but doesn't want to touch the horse.

This pony was shy just like the boys and totally their speed and size.  As in, no need to run away.

At the end, Connor had warmed up enough to pat the horse.  I'm so happy that we decided to break the rules as the smiles on the boys' face and their continual chatting about it made it totally worthwhile.

2012 Rehoboth Beach Vacation {Day 6 : Part 2 - The Beach Videos}

Some videos of the boys' hard work on the beach.

2012 Rehoboth Beach Vacation {Day 6 : Part 1 - The Beach}

We were pleasantly surprised with a sunny forecast and got to the beach as fast as we could to soak up some fun in the sun.  Connor LOVES the sand and we wanted to give the boys another chance in the ocean water.

Laying in the sand.

Some serious digging going on.

Working together. Sometimes they do.

Jackson helping maneuver away from the water after we got washed out.


The big shovel, or shobel as the boys say, was pulled out to get started on some deep holes to make pools at the beach.  

Daddy went out to get the pail full of water.

Connor moving out of the way with the water coming on in.....

Jackson going back and forth between "shobel" work and heading back and forth between the holes that we were digging and  the ocean.

Trying to edge each other out for prime retail in the dug pool.

The progression of Connor and the ocean water.  Notice the running in the opposite direction. He eventually warmed up to get his toes wet but that was about all..

Trying to get sand in their hair as if it wasn't everywhere, and I mean everywhere, else.

My FAVORITE pictures from our time at the beach.