Monday, September 10, 2012

Good bye high chairs!

With the start of school and Michael taking the day off, we took advantage of this time to disassemble the highchairs and transition to everyday use of the beloved "elephant" chairs.  The boys do so well in them when we go out and we were so tired of maneuvering all of the additional chairs around our dining room.

They didn't know that this was going to be the last time and they definitely didn't mind the camera... 

Serious concentration. Probably watching Mary Poppins!

Mouth is full.

Connor picking off the raised pieces of strawberry on his mum mums after he licks it to get them soft. Ewww but that's his thing.

I sifted through some old pics and found the first ones that I had of the boys in their high chairs. My guess is that they are from the first times that they were in them, which was August of 2010.

They were so small. How are they almost 3 years old?!?

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