Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Clean hands BUT no more stools in the kitchen

Connor has been on a mission to provide more "assistance" in the kitchen.  At school, the boys bake treats on Wednesday and the kids help during this process.  He's always been a "little mother" but this is taking it to a new level.  There are tears if he doesn't assist with cooking and he is SUPER obsessed with cleaning his hands. 

With the new found need to provide help in the kitchen has come an awareness that he can get to the sink with the stool.  This would be great if he didn't have instant access to water and actually listened when I told him that things were hot on the stove and couldn't reach small piece puzzles and his magnetic alphabet letters (all 52 of them).

Singing his ABC's to make sure his hands are good and clean!

Helping clean out the measuring cup again, again and again.  Obviously, of course, after the camel and gorilla got a bath.

His Zest for cleaning his hands and helping out led to enough tears at the end when he was assisted down off the stool. It was a fairly easy decision to remove the stools. Hopefully, his want for clean hands won't end but having immediate access to E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G in the kitchen is too much of a safety hazard.

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