Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Toddler Made Tasty Treats: Kite biscuits

Working their way into the kitchen again this week at school, the boys came home with kite biscuits.  The kites were decorated with sprinkles and included a licorice string.  Neither boy was interested in the licorice even though I tried and tried.

The sprinkles were generous and colorful.

Connor did a lot of inspecting before he even considered eating the sprinkles. 

Jackson was attacking the sprinkles with gust, that is one by one....

Yeah for more treats but unfortunately neither boy ate anything more than the sprinkles. Michael and I enjoyed them and were happy for the licorice treat. 

Jackson was working me earlier in the evening and we decided to make some pretzel doodles.  We generally do this for holidays but had tons of spring colored M&M's and figured that it worked with their Kite theme at school this week.

My little bakers...

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