Friday, November 29, 2013

Jackson and Connor's Tree

I found a tree last year after the holidays for the boys that I figured would be great for their room.  With lots of energy to expend and not wanting to get involved with all of the shoppers on Black Friday, we opted to set up the tree and let the boys decorate it despite it.

Both boys were so excited about Christmas and couldn't wait for all of the fun activities.  Now that Thanksgiving was over, they had a place to put the ornaments that they had spotted in the box several weeks ago.  We let them each pick 4 ornaments for their tree. 

They sat patiently and took turns making their selections.

Connor definitely went with a farm animal theme.

After making their selections, the boys placed their ornaments on their tree.

So happy and working together to finish it up. 

Introducing Jackson and Connor's tree: 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Big Buffalo and Brown Bear Celebrate Thanksgiving

We decided to host Thanksgiving as Tony and Joe had tickets to the Ravens game.  Despite Michael's scheduled endoscopy the day prior, we were ready for everyone to arrive and the food was actually done at a decent time.

Prior to our family arriving, Jackson and Connor were engaging in some "not so thankful" behavior.

Uncle Tony still always puts a smile on their face.

Brown Bear showing off his pow wow skills. 

Cuddling with Sophia.

Big Buffalo showing everyone his outfit from school.

Reading It's the Great Pumpkin with Michael. 

This mama is very thankful for these boys who made her a mom.

Daddy and his boys. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

N3 Thanksiving Program

We arrived a little late for the program at school but got to see our Big Buffalo and Brown Bear walk in with their class.  The Klein/Beach tribe was ready to show off what the class had been working on in the month of November. 

Big Buffalo walking in with Mrs. Beach and Brown Bear.  Jackson/Brown Bear loves Mrs. Beach.

There was a lot of singing, talking and playing of Tom Toms.  Neither one of our boys participated but definitely learned a lot.  They helped explain to me that the Indians moved north to find the walrus and that they used canoes and kayaks and my favorite is that the Indians did not have a computer, telephone or Ipad.

There was a lot of paint on their shirts and Connor had mentioned that he had made a hat but their costumes definitely confirmed that they were definitely keeping busy with paint in November.

Hopefully, they will participate the next time but it was good hearing about the Indian's trip north.  They learn so much and often times take over the role of teacher.  I am tempted to check Google to confirm.

Thank you Big Buffalo and Brown Bear for our education about how Thanksgiving came to be. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Meeting baby Gabby

Baby Gabby arrived yesterday so we headed over to the hospital to meet her.  Despite their excitement, the boys actually handled themselves very well.  They were so excited and happy to finally meet her.  The last time that we saw Kim, Connor was checking under her shirt to find her.

She was a beautiful bundle of 8 lbs 1 ounce joy.

Jackson wanted to hold her hand but had to warm up slowly.

He struggled with the gentle part as he wanted to see her head and was "helping" and I obviously use the word "helping" loosely to pull her hat off of her head.  It was a little rough but he gets so excited, he can't help himself. 

Connor talked a big game of his long list of things that he wanted to do with baby Gabby like holding, helping her with a bottle and cuddling her but he was incredibly hesitant about getting near hear.  And, opted to just peer over the isolette.  He confirmed that he would hold her the next time that he saw her. 

We are so happy to have her in the family.  She's definitely our something to be Thankful for this season.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Celebrating Michael and Sophia at Bonefish

Sophia and Michael decided to celebrate their 14th birthday at Bonefish Grille.  We were a little concerned about the menu but decided that we would order the boys a steak and it was the first time that we didn't bring food for one of them.

Connor is always in to checking out the scene and enjoying the bread.  Today, he dipped it in olive oil.

Michael enjoying the bang bang shrimp.

 Getting ready to help with cake and blow out the candles.

And, in case you get hungry on your way home, why not just put a french fry in your shirt pocket.

Happy 14th Birthday Sophia and Michael!!! We LOVE you so much!!!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Introducing Big Buffalo and Brown Bear

The boys were assigned their Indian names for the month of November in preparation of their Thanksgiving program.  We received a list of all of the children's Indian names.  So, we have been working on all of the names of their friends as the Klein/Beach Tribe.  We were informed that they were only to address each other with their Indian names.

On this night, the boys were looking out the window for Crescent Moon (Hadley). 

The boys have also given us names.  Michael's name is Wandering Giraffe and my name is Running Zebra.  What fun!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Picking Pumpkins at Cromwell Valley Park

After finishing up the pumpkin pudding pie, the class was given the opportunity to pick a pumpkin from Cromwell's patch. They were given instruction and actually listened patiently before getting to make their pick. 

The pumpkins were selected.

Jackson actually took a break once he had picked his pumpkin. Criss Cross Apple Sauce works at the pumpkin patch too.

After the pumpkins were picked, the kids ventured over to the koi pond to see the fish.

And, that's a wrap on the boys' 1st Fieldtrip.  A very educational and fun trip.

Making Pumpking Pudding Pie at Cromwell Valley Park

During the Field Trip, the boys were afforded the opportunity to make pumpkin pudding pie.

Mrs. Klein's N3s listening.  Hopefully, these memories will last a lifetime.

The presenter discussed pumpkins and their many uses before starting the recipe.

Each of the students was given the opportunity to stir the mixture. 

Connor really enjoyed the pudding. Jackson, of course, wouldn't even try it despite all of his classmates giving it a taste.