Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cinderella with Rali

After a couple of attempts to figure out a plan, we were finally able to coordinate with Rali and her mom on a trip to Cinemark to see the new Cinderella. 

It was our first time at Cinemark and the theater was beautiful.  At the suggestion of Ms. Burton, we brought a football for Jackson to hold onto and encourage him to sit still.  Connor was incredibly concerned about the candy that we brought with us. He may have been more concerned about the candy than the movie.

Jackson sat next to Rali's mom and she told me that he teared up at the end of the movie when the Step Mother locked Cinderella in the attic.  He explained that he was concerned that she wouldn't get to try on the shoe and get to be with the prince.  Jackson is very excitable but there is so much more to him.  He has the sweetest heart, wants to make sure everyone is happy and is unable to handle a confrontation.  If there is a possibility of a confrontation, he puts his hands over his ears and walks away as he can not simply handle the conflict.  It is one of his sweetest personality traits. 

Everyone had a great time and we will see her again in school soon.

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