Sunday, March 8, 2015

Towson Presbyterian : Art Show

After a party to celebrate Uncle Tony's 80th birthday, we moved on to our second event of the day -- the Towson Presbyterian Preschool Art Show.

We moved to the boys' room and found their teacher and Meet the Artist displays.

When we walked in to the room, Grace was in with her family and immediately started helping the boys find their art.

The boys' class theme was School Days and their teacher incorporated aspects of all that they were learning. These family portraits are so telling.  If you look at Jackson's, you will notice that Connor is frowning.  This has caused some lively discussions at our house.

The boys' favorite section at school was probably the discussion of Community Helpers.  They learned so much and we have had many spirited discussion about who is a community helper.  Jackson didn't get a chance to do his community helper poster but he was super proud of his reptile as a representation of how he wanted to be a Zoo Keeper. 

Connor worked on multiple displays of his love of his favorite Community Helper, the Zoo Keeper. 

There was a considerable period of time that we didn't get any art from the boys' school and we were finally able to figure out what they were doing in the fall.   We recall a lot of discussions about leaves and Native Americans.

They also did a discussion of the planets.  Most important to us is the progress in the boys' handwriting from when they started school.

The class worked on the alphabet and the sounds that the letters made.  Jackson helped with the I and J and Connor worked on the O and P.

Towson Presbyterian has a series where they learn about different artists and create renderings similar to the artist.  This cutout picture is from Matisse, which will help provide some background for their upcoming trip to the Baltimore Museum of Art.

The boys worked with Clay and Connor confirmed that he made the number 13. 

We finally found the self portrait before checking out the other rooms. Such a wonderful display of art. The boys were so proud of their creations and we were too. 

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