Saturday, May 7, 2016

Celebrating Adelaide

It was time to celebrate Adelaide's birthday and her parents were kind enough to invite Jackson to the celebration.  Since the celebration was for someone in his class, we let Connor decide if Jackson should attend.  

Connor took a good bit of time grappling with the decision and he had me check the guest list and confirmed that Jackson knew enough people.  He rationalized that since Adelaide, Jackson and Connor all go to see the reading specialist to further their reading skills together, it was a yes.   

The party was at Stoneleigh Lanes and costumes were suggested.  Scooby was a little short on Connor at Halloween and very cumbersome so we knew that wasn't an option and Nate the Great's trench would have made it difficult to attend so the boys wore Disney inspired shirts.  However, John Henry brought a large bag of costumes and was kind enough to share.   

(Jack, John Henry, Connor and Joshua)

(Campbell, Alice, John Henry, Jack, Connor and Andrew)

Connor stuck with his shirt but Jackson tried bowling in an Iron Man costume. 

The kids sang Happy Birthday to the Birthday girl.

Jackson often gets restless with bowling and he found a partner in crime near the games, Dara.  However, he thought that she was Mila.  I corrected this for him and she continued to be kind to him sharing coins with him from the games and inviting him to her birthday party.  There are a lot of future birthday parties that the boys have been invited too. 

Once it was time to leave, I encouraged Jackson to thank Adelaide for having him and suggested he give her a hug.  He may have taken this suggestion too far as he was trying to kiss her.  Good news is that she was smiling. 

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