Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Fightin Phils v Bees

We arrived at Pleasant Plains for the much anticipated game against the Bees.   Andrew, Beck, Caden and Graham were all on the Bees along with some other friends from Ms. Guth's class.  So, it was definitely a show down.  

Connor had been talking about the game for weeks.  He kept on asking and asking when it was supposed to happen even though we are fairly confident he had the entire schedule memorized.   Since Connor sits at a table with Beck and Andrew, it was GAME ON!!! Once we arrived, Connor was on the lookout for all of his friends.  

Coach Rob sets the lineup and he gave us a treat today with our Fightin Phils hitting back to back.  This didn't happen all season except for this game.  LOVE that they are chatting together in the dugout. 

Coach Phil was so patient with Jackson the entire season.  He provided him with great instruction and encouragement at each at bat.  Jackson was not as enthusiastic about the game as Connor and some of the other kids so he needed all of the kindness that Coach Phil offered.  

Despite averaging 2 hits in the last couple of games, Jackson required the T for every at bat.  Apparently, he was unable to keep an eye on the ball knowing that all of his friends were in the field. 

As the season progressed, Connor's hitting was getting better and better. In this game, he was able to get 2 hits and only needed the tee one time. He was so proud of himself and so were we.  

Some snapshots from our dugout. 

Connor returned to the dugout after some intense running.  One of the other coaches commented on how intense that he looked as  he was rounding the bases.  She commended him on his excitement and hustle.   

The picture is blurry but Andrew and Connor finally had a chance to see each other up close.  Great game Bees!!! 

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