Friday, May 13, 2016

RFES night at the Yard

We purchased tickets for the RFES night at the Yard after confirming that Claire, Caroline and Sydney would be going.  We were concerned that it was going to be a late night but it is really hard to keep the boys away from events when there are signs in the school and they can read them!!!  

In the past, we've taken the Light Rail from Mount Washington before but we were concerned that it would be too late for the boys to ride the train and we didn't want to have to wait too long for the train with what we expected to be a very late night.   So, we parked at Michael's office and walked to the Stadium. 

Both boys were in awe of the tall buildings.  They have been downtown before but for some reason, it was particularly amazing this night.  It put a smile on our face to see them realize the height of the buildings.   

Immediately upon walking in, Jackson was eager to find his friends. Little did he know that we had a long walk that was going to include some escalators...  

Jackson is very fond of Claire.  He told us on the way home that she was tricky because he tried to kiss her several times and that she kept moving out of the way.  There is so much talk in the Kindergarten class of marrying.  Good thing that they really don't understand all that marriage involves yet...

Our view for the night.  Not too bad. 

Cheering on the O's.  Apparently, once we made it to the 7th inning stretch, it was decided that we were going to make it to the fireworks. 

And, we did. Let's hope that they sleep in tomorrow. Such a fun time with friends. We made it through another game and didn't have to go to the playground.  It seems as if we have some real baseball fans. 

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