Sunday, August 30, 2020

Week 35 of 52 in 2020

Connor: Before we left for vacation, Connor had a visit to MPO to get his braces checked. The hardest thing to decide on is always what color braces to get.  I never know what's going to happen until he walks out and I was pleasantly surprised that he picked different shades of blue and green in anticipation of our trip to the beach.

Week 35 also known as the week we FINALLY were able to go on vacation. We had a week booked but after all the unknowns with COVID, the the boys were not ready to go somewhere that we couldn't control.  Something switched at the beginning of August and we were able to figure out a Wednesday to Wednesday rental at the Peninsula. There were some bike rides, beautiful sunsets, the Atlantic Ocean, the Delaware Bay in no particular order and nothing was photo shopped (ALL SOOC).


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Week 34 of 52 in 2020

Jackson:  He is splitting time between the pool and Meadowood for LOTS and LOTS of lacrosse practices. I wonder if they boys think it's too much... Connor has been staying home when Jackson has practice so it's a lot of Mom and Jackson in the car.  Dad shouldn't feel too jealous because there's a lot of reading getting done by Jackson.  We ended the week with a Jackson and mom pool date. He's gotten so much better in the pool and was showing off his dives before we had to leave because a massive storm arrived.

We got a typical knock on the door and invited Michael to join us at the pool. We often see him there with another Forge friend but this time, he was the boys' guest. They really enjoyed having a friend there and we may have stayed the longest that we ever had.  After we dropped him off, we picked up burgers from the Kooper's ChowHound.  The boys had fun and I didn't have to cook so it was a win all around.


Sunday, August 16, 2020

Week 33 of 52 in 2020

 Connor:  After a ton more measuring and online shopping, we were finally able to find furniture that would fit his uniquely shaped bedroom.  It was a rainy Sunday and nobody really wanted to go to Annapolis but it was TIME to finally get things figured out. We had 2 kids that are starting virtual schooling and desks were going to be essential to making that easier for us.  It was a GO and everything has been ordered. Despite the Buzz and Woody bedding being adorable, he opted for an MLB themed room. And, now we wait for the furniture to arrive.

Jackson and Connor:  Everett returned from Chicago with 2 broken wrists. He stopped by to say Hi and the boys got their first opportunity to sign his cast.  It's going to be an interesting couple of weeks before the casts come off for him.

It was an overcast day (read not too sunny and hot) but warm enough to head up to HersheyPark.  We got a character pic to add to our collection and it was slow enough for me to be able to snap a pic of my favorite bumper car riders.  Fender Bender is one of their favorite rides.  Last December, Jackson was denied entry onto a kiddie ride but was tall enough to drive a bumper card. Now, they can both drive. Time needs to slow down.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Week 32 of 52 in 2020

Jackson:  With COVID numbers going down, Baltimore City had loosened up their restrictions and we were able to get an appointment for Jackson at Old Bank Barbers.  Hairway to Steven is closer but they aren't taking the virus as serious as we need.  It was so nice to see Young and afterwards we picked up Papi's Tacos for lunch. It  was a win-win.

Connor:  Connor has been feeling more at ease in the pool and we are so happy for him.  Even before COVID shut down swim team, he had made the decision that he didn't want to participate.  We know that swimming isn't either of the boys' best sports but we want them to feel safe in the water.  Connor is working on dives off the side and is getting super close with more practice.  Without being able to run around and play with friends, there has definitely more time spent in the actual pool.

We finally had a free weekend day to search for furniture that would work in Connor's room.  With all of the recent closures of furniture stores, we struggled to even find places to go and look.  Connor likes the idea of a loft but all the ones that we could find that come assembled are too tall for his room. We had high hopes of being able to turn this bunk bed set into a twin with the desk underneath.  After doing some research on stability after removing a bunk, we realized it was a no go.  Back to the drawing board and super bummed because he was really happy about it..

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Week 31 of 52 in 2020


Jackson: Jackson was selected to join the gray team for a Hogan Lax tournament. He had played sparingly on Saturday in the midfield and was really hoping to get more time on the field (anywhere) and he was given his chance in the add on game at the end of the day. It was HOT and we were super happy that our 50 was asked to get in goal.  Coach Brian told him that he had given his weekend and he deserved the playing time.  He played great and KP survived a close game against a decent team.  The coaches keep asking where he wants to play on the field and his response always is wherever my team needs me.  

Connor:  I know that this is a picture of an empty storage locker. But, without the help of Connor, it wouldn't be.  While Michael and Jackson were at a lacrosse tournament, Connor put in the hard work and sweat to get this thing emptied. The basement has been finished for long enough. Now, to find where everything is going to fit.


Jackson and Connor: Living in the Forge has pros and cons (parking). On any given day, there's at least one knock at the door. Most often it's Michael, who roams the Forge looking to connect friends.  He's always trying to gather enough buddies for a game of football or soccer.  Another reason to LOVE our neighborhood.