Sunday, August 9, 2020

Week 32 of 52 in 2020

Jackson:  With COVID numbers going down, Baltimore City had loosened up their restrictions and we were able to get an appointment for Jackson at Old Bank Barbers.  Hairway to Steven is closer but they aren't taking the virus as serious as we need.  It was so nice to see Young and afterwards we picked up Papi's Tacos for lunch. It  was a win-win.

Connor:  Connor has been feeling more at ease in the pool and we are so happy for him.  Even before COVID shut down swim team, he had made the decision that he didn't want to participate.  We know that swimming isn't either of the boys' best sports but we want them to feel safe in the water.  Connor is working on dives off the side and is getting super close with more practice.  Without being able to run around and play with friends, there has definitely more time spent in the actual pool.

We finally had a free weekend day to search for furniture that would work in Connor's room.  With all of the recent closures of furniture stores, we struggled to even find places to go and look.  Connor likes the idea of a loft but all the ones that we could find that come assembled are too tall for his room. We had high hopes of being able to turn this bunk bed set into a twin with the desk underneath.  After doing some research on stability after removing a bunk, we realized it was a no go.  Back to the drawing board and super bummed because he was really happy about it..

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