Sunday, August 2, 2020

Week 31 of 52 in 2020


Jackson: Jackson was selected to join the gray team for a Hogan Lax tournament. He had played sparingly on Saturday in the midfield and was really hoping to get more time on the field (anywhere) and he was given his chance in the add on game at the end of the day. It was HOT and we were super happy that our 50 was asked to get in goal.  Coach Brian told him that he had given his weekend and he deserved the playing time.  He played great and KP survived a close game against a decent team.  The coaches keep asking where he wants to play on the field and his response always is wherever my team needs me.  

Connor:  I know that this is a picture of an empty storage locker. But, without the help of Connor, it wouldn't be.  While Michael and Jackson were at a lacrosse tournament, Connor put in the hard work and sweat to get this thing emptied. The basement has been finished for long enough. Now, to find where everything is going to fit.


Jackson and Connor: Living in the Forge has pros and cons (parking). On any given day, there's at least one knock at the door. Most often it's Michael, who roams the Forge looking to connect friends.  He's always trying to gather enough buddies for a game of football or soccer.  Another reason to LOVE our neighborhood.

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