Sunday, August 16, 2020

Week 33 of 52 in 2020

 Connor:  After a ton more measuring and online shopping, we were finally able to find furniture that would fit his uniquely shaped bedroom.  It was a rainy Sunday and nobody really wanted to go to Annapolis but it was TIME to finally get things figured out. We had 2 kids that are starting virtual schooling and desks were going to be essential to making that easier for us.  It was a GO and everything has been ordered. Despite the Buzz and Woody bedding being adorable, he opted for an MLB themed room. And, now we wait for the furniture to arrive.

Jackson and Connor:  Everett returned from Chicago with 2 broken wrists. He stopped by to say Hi and the boys got their first opportunity to sign his cast.  It's going to be an interesting couple of weeks before the casts come off for him.

It was an overcast day (read not too sunny and hot) but warm enough to head up to HersheyPark.  We got a character pic to add to our collection and it was slow enough for me to be able to snap a pic of my favorite bumper car riders.  Fender Bender is one of their favorite rides.  Last December, Jackson was denied entry onto a kiddie ride but was tall enough to drive a bumper card. Now, they can both drive. Time needs to slow down.

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