Sunday, October 4, 2020

Week 40 of 52 in 2020

Connor:  The boys had off on Monday so I scheduled eye exams for them as it was time for their annual exam.  I opted to let the boys get more sleep so they didn't have enough time for breakfast.  We should have had them get something for the car.  They were both grumpy and not understanding of the need to wait.  This boy was all smiles that he was given a couple more years before needing glasses. He was told last year that it probably would be this year.  Oh, and after all the whining about being hungry, they were ok to wait in the Dunkin Donuts drive thru line.  Donuts make EVERYTHING better.

Jackson and Connor:  I try to walk the boys up to join their friends for recess as not all the motorists on Stevenson Lane respect/see the crosswalk and I go up to get them to make sure that they are back in time for Period 3.  Jackson has writing and Connor has reading.  It's not a lot of time but we want to make sure that they can get home and get a drink of water and go to the bathroom, if needed.

So, I start with 2 and often end up with more.  Everett ALWAYS escorts the boys and I back to the house. He has to go past his own house to get to ours. I guess it's his tradition. Benny has been spending some time at his grandparent's house after lunch who live 2 houses up.  Their friendship has grown so much.

With one of the biggest Norway Maples in your backyard, fall means lots of raking and bagging up of leaves.  The boys spent a good bit of time after soccer taking care of some.

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