Sunday, October 18, 2020

Week 42 of 52 in 2020

Jackson: Another week, another book or 2 that he is reading and unable to put down. When Jackson is reading, he is ALL in.  You can call his name, try to speak to him but without shouting, he doesn't stop.  He's keeping the BCPL staff busy.

Connor: Connor had a busy week. He started the week off with his MPO appointment.  They relayed that it was time to do molds at his next visit for both top and bottom.   Initially, it was going to be that his bottom braces would come off first and the top would follow but not for a couple of months.  Connor picked green and white to represent Celtic.

The boys had off on Friday and we scheduled the delivery of Connor's new bedroom furniture and desk from Pottery Barn Kids.  They also delivered Jackson's desk, which was supposed to come at a later time. It was a hectic morning while I tried to monitor everything and make Jackson's room presentable all while walking up the steps way to many times in my walking boot. SO MUCH WALKING!  It was finally time for him to move out of the desk area in the newly finished back basement. Next up was to finalize decorations for the room, pick out a mattress and get him happy about moving down there.

Jackson had an all day lacrosse tournament on Saturday in Parkton.  After playing 2 games (missed the first for another Celtic victory), we had a late lunch and started taking errands off our list.  First up was Menchey Music store to pick up Connor's clarinet.  He was over pictures so this is the best we got. His first lesson is next Friday and he's very excited to start.

After we left Menchey's, we headed up to Hunt Valley and Connor picked out his mattress. His room is coming together. 

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